forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user


usually when i have writers block for my own stuff.
it helps my creative juice continue to flow so I don't get stuck not writing anything.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I recognize os which is a third (?) declension ending for nominative??

But I definitely recognize the -a vowel stem and the t ending, which technically isn’t needed since Eris is somehow the verb lmao

I mainly use the Latin as a source for the beginning of the majority of my words, but that's about it. I use the structure of the Latin suffix system, but I make up my own. The t signifies possessive as English speakers use the s. (Such as Dominic's memes.) The words are arranged in a manner of relationship and Eris as the subject while the word before it was a descriptor was at the end of the statement and took the possessive ending because really in a manner of speaking she was the object of possession (which either sound creepy or creepier depending on how you interpret it as it's up front use in English is for the most part no longer used) but in Althalosian it is a perfectly acceptable use of wording.

Deleted user

ok i didn’t take in like, any of that when i read it but wow

you really thought it out. Does the beginnings of the Latin roots mean the same as the Latin words?

Deleted user

Does the beginnings of the Latin roots mean the same as the Latin words?

Come again?

I think she means, like… Wait nvm what I was gonna say made no sense lol

Deleted user

like the first part of malā (is an ablative form but SHUT UP) is mal which means evil

would mal mean evil in your… your?

Deleted user

nah i didn’t sense rudeness also because it might be from my utter bamboozlement

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

There are some words that I just love either they sound so good or fit together so well. I will now share a few.
Kosmund: World
Selun: Moon
Mediskept: Think deeply, ponder
Pyrignis: Fire
Haidroqy: Water
Note. The y makes a very short i sound unless it is at the beginning of a word and normally adds an accent. All the other vowels are pronounced as in Latin.
Frigy: Pronounced Freegih it's almost has Norse energy or something. It means cold.
Konsyma: It sounds Japanese and the accent really makes the word work. It means I agree.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Just out of curiosity, you don't have to answer Have you been rude on notebook on purpose?

Maybe? I try not to be rude when arguing because it rarely helps anything. I might have once or twice, but I'm a very will-definitely-hit-you-but-probably-won't-unless-you-start-something kind of guy.