forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@The-Magician group

I'm having flashbacks….

To… chocolate?

No, to my past

Was saying that a random thing, or did something on here trigger it

No I..
I went onto youtube and found a 'Nostalgia' playlist that Lee compiled.
I thought 'Okay, this could be some good stuff to get work done to'
The first piece that played instantly triggered a flashback, and with every piece another flashback happens..

Deleted user

I’m happy cuz I got called sir in Panera

I'm sorry but who is this lol

@Pickles group

I'm having flashbacks….

To… chocolate?

No, to my past

Was saying that a random thing, or did something on here trigger it

No I..
I went onto youtube and found a 'Nostalgia' playlist that Lee compiled.
I thought 'Okay, this could be some good stuff to get work done to'
The first piece that played instantly triggered a flashback, and with every piece another flashback happens..


Deleted user

I’m happy cuz I got called sir in Panera

I'm sorry but who is this lol

My username used to be AriaWinchester if that’s what you mean

Oh! Are you trans?

@Pickles group

I’m happy cuz I got called sir in Panera

I'm sorry but who is this lol

My username used to be AriaWinchester if that’s what you mean

Ohhhhh that's you. I haven't really talked to you that much, but hi


I’m happy cuz I got called sir in Panera

I'm sorry but who is this lol

My username used to be AriaWinchester if that’s what you mean

Oh! Are you trans?


Deleted user

I’m happy cuz I got called sir in Panera

I'm sorry but who is this lol

My username used to be AriaWinchester if that’s what you mean

Oh! Are you trans?


Oh my god!! Congrats, Chase!!!!!! I love youuuuu <3 <3

@Pickles group

And I uhm.. I can't stop myself from shaking.

uhhhh, I'm not really the best at helping people, but
try to breathe slowly, the pattern I use is in for 7, hold for 6, out for 4, because once I heard you're supposed to those numbers but I don't remember the order so I just picked one
Usually that helps me stop shaking, at least mostly. Not sure how well it works for other people

@The-Magician group

Thank you, though breathing techniques don't work for me because I naturally have balanced breathing no matter what I'm doing.
I just want the memories to stop..

@ElderGod-kirky group

I smashed my leg into a chair after my dad bumped into me, so now I have two surprisingly painful bruises to add onto my collection of bruises on my one leg.

Wind almost knocked me over multiple times

I nearly fell over standing

@Pickles group

Cats it is. I shall do my best.
My cat thinks she's a puppy. This isn't a foreign concept, my old cat used to think he was a puppy, too. (rip Shadow, even though you were jealous of me) She plays fetch, she runs around, likes being chased, chews everything, and acts otherwise like a dog.
She's pretty cute. She really likes my hamper. Empty or with clothes. She doesn't care. Hecking cats. They're great. Plus they poop in a box, so they're relatively clean

@HighPockets group

I just spent $30 on books.
In my defense, one was my most anticipated 2019 release and the other was King Arthur but with the fae.

Only 30? noice

I bought 2 yesterday too lol yee


I just remember one time I stopped petting my cat to eat Cheetos and she gave me the most “are you fricking kidding me” look I’ve ever seen in my life


Oh? A chat filled with rudeness seems like my style.
Hello, my dears, my name is Jasper and this will be one hell of a show.

Well hello there, Jasper.
While it is nice to meet you, I think I shall be the judge of whether this is to be 'one hell of a show'.

And why, may I ask how you will be the judge? Are you royalty, if so, Bows and places a kiss on your hand. it is lovely to meet you.