forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Why on earth is it always threads like this that get all the unsavory attention?
And why do people feel the need to do that kind of thing on a W R I T I N G website?
If you feel the need to insult someone, go and make a tumblr post about it. Or whatever it is that kids do these days.

<3 Lily, thank you.

@The-Magician group

You're welcome Miss Eris, it is nice to meet a fellow Goddess ^-^ (although I have been told that yours is a metaphorical term, I don't quite understand it but I'm just going along)

@The-Magician group

It's like a metaphorical status thing
Because Eris is so cool and we think Goddesses are cool here

You think Goddesses are cool…?
I think I feel inadvertently loved..

Deleted user

Dear Kaiden,
You're the parasite here. I saw what you said on the LGBT chat and the venting space. If you're going to be offensive, leave the chats.

What the actual fuck.
I said to stop engaging?

Do people even read on this writing website? Jesus christ on a stick.

Deleted user

Why on earth is it always threads like this that get all the unsavory attention?
And why do people feel the need to do that kind of thing on a W R I T I N G website?
If you feel the need to insult someone, go and make a tumblr post about it. Or whatever it is that kids do these days.

threads like these get undesirable attention because someone with very little entertainment just wants to piss on everything people enjoy genuinely enjoy.

Deleted user

You're welcome Miss Eris, it is nice to meet a fellow Goddess ^-^ (although I have been told that yours is a metaphorical term, I don't quite understand it but I'm just going along)

I was named for a Goddess and the nickname kinda stuck after I showed my proficiency for word play.
It humbles me, while also lifting my ego to enormous heights.

Deleted user

Sorry, I'm gonna go back to being rude.
There's this ass in my classes who doesn't do any work and just i n s u l t s me.
Like, fuck you too I guess?
He just got transferred to my maths classes and hasn't done anything, he just puts his head in his hands and doesn't respond to our instructor for anything.

@The-Magician group

You're welcome Miss Eris, it is nice to meet a fellow Goddess ^-^ (although I have been told that yours is a metaphorical term, I don't quite understand it but I'm just going along)

I was named for a Goddess and the nickname kinda stuck after I showed my proficiency for word play.
It humbles me, while also lifting my ego to enormous heights.

I think I understand that, though in some ways you're actually blessed for not being a biological Goddess.
It's a lot more stressful than it seems, and unfortunately humans just don't seem to understand that.

Deleted user

You're welcome Miss Eris, it is nice to meet a fellow Goddess ^-^ (although I have been told that yours is a metaphorical term, I don't quite understand it but I'm just going along)

I was named for a Goddess and the nickname kinda stuck after I showed my proficiency for word play.
It humbles me, while also lifting my ego to enormous heights.

I think I understand that, though in some ways you're actually blessed for not being a biological Goddess.
It's a lot more stressful than it seems, and unfortunately humans just don't seem to understand that.

Silver lining, am I right?
The amount of stress I am under as a simple mortal is more than enough–for several lifetimes.

@The-Magician group

I think I understand that, though in some ways you're actually blessed for not being a biological Goddess.
It's a lot more stressful than it seems, and unfortunately humans just don't seem to understand that.

Silver lining, am I right?
The amount of stress I am under as a simple mortal is more than enough–for several lifetimes.

Reincarnation is an area I tend not to involve myself with, purely because it is not what I was born to do.
Though I can imagine how much stress will have built up over time.
Centuries, Millennia have passed, and stress has only increased due to the changing of expectations that are all developed from the idea of perfection. I mean no disrespect to my fellow kin by saying this, but not even the Gods are perfect. We all have flaws, and they should just be accepted because our flaw make us who we are.
There should be no need for perfection—no one should waste their energy and cause themselves potential harm trying to achieve the impossible.

Sorry, I think I went off on a tangent..

Deleted user

Nah, don't apologize. It's completely understandable. Perfection to me is just being happy with one's own self in one's own mind.

@The-Magician group

But will anyone ever really be happy with themselves?
5000 years and I'm still not happy with myself, though most of it is partly thanks to disgusting comments that humans have made over the years. I mean, who knew that so many people could hate someone for being a dark skin tone! That one came as a shock, that's for sure.


Dear Kaiden,
You're the parasite here. I saw what you said on the LGBT chat and the venting space. If you're going to be offensive, leave the chats.

This conversation has been dropped, there is no need to have your input.
Kindly delete your response, and I shall do the same with this one when you have.
This is not up for negotiation, you will delete your response.
Thank you.

I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and you can hate me if you want

@The-Magician group

Dear Kaiden,
You're the parasite here. I saw what you said on the LGBT chat and the venting space. If you're going to be offensive, leave the chats.

This conversation has been dropped, there is no need to have your input.
Kindly delete your response, and I shall do the same with this one when you have.
This is not up for negotiation, you will delete your response.
Thank you.

I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and you can hate me if you want

Starlight please, you are not making things any better.
I do not hate people, but even I lack the patience to deal with individuals who can not seem to let something go.
Delete your comment, now, and stop talking about it.
I will delete this comment when you have deleted yours, but please for the love of my people, S T O P!

Deleted user

I've come to the conclusion that humanity as a whole is pretty dumb

Deleted user

I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and you can hate me if you want

Don't guilt trip, it's unbecoming.

@The-Magician group

You've got that right, Miss Eris, you would not believe how the idiocy has increased over the millennia.
Imagine half of this population, take away any form of logical thinking they have, increase their clumsiness, and you pretty much have the early 'caveman' as you call it.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Imma be rude to my sister because ugh.
She has an alarm that is 15 minutes before mine, okay? Plenty of fucking time to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth. Add me sleeping in 15 more minutes, and that should definitely be enough time. I'd like to be able to go to the bathroom when I get up, but am I allowed to? No, because bathroom hog is in there. At that point i have 15ish minutes before I have to get ready for the bus (shoes, coat, bookbag, mental preparation). I get ready relatively quickly, 5-10 minutes usually, but I'm limited by miss Hog over there. I JUST WANT FIVE MINUTES IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR

Deleted user

I've come to the conclusion that humanity as a whole is pretty dumb

As an Unseelie King, I agree.


Dear Kaiden,
You're the parasite here. I saw what you said on the LGBT chat and the venting space. If you're going to be offensive, leave the chats.

This conversation has been dropped, there is no need to have your input.
Kindly delete your response, and I shall do the same with this one when you have.
This is not up for negotiation, you will delete your response.
Thank you.

I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and you can hate me if you want

Starlight please, you are not making things any better.
I do not hate people, but even I lack the patience to deal with individuals who can not seem to let something go.
Delete your comment, now, and stop talking about it.
I will delete this comment when you have deleted yours, but please for the love of my people, S T O P!

I deleted it, so sorry again