forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

I've got a debate actually. Eris, on another thread you said something that I disagreed with, it might make an interesting topic.

Honesty, communication and trust are the keys to a healthy relationship. If one of those is missing or completely bonkers then you have an abusive relationship.

Was it the fact that I said it was an abusive relationship? I will admit my wording was a little harsh and exaggerated.


It is, yeah. It takes much more than that for a relationship to be considered abusive. I completely agree with the those three elements being key, though

Deleted user

Truuuuuue. But think, a relationship without honesty tends to be full of secrets and lies which can lead to mistreatment.
Technically, thats not abuse but…. (shrugs) in books it can be perceived as such


I'll admit that a lack of one of them paves the way for future problems. But even then, say person A doesn't tell B some bad thing that's weighing on him because B has a lot on their plate. Classified is a lie, but for the good of the relationship.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Torture is incredibly interesting but maybe not the best topic for debate. I think we can all agree that torture is morally wrong. Let me bring up something more mundane but more interesting: Is a coconut a mammal?

To replace an interesting topic with something that ridiculously stupid is kind of not okay with me. I was planning on tying it into a discussion about the death penalty which is something we all will have to vote on in the future. Which is incredibly important and can impact the entire country.

If you do not want to debate something then do not comment. It's that simple.

and no a coconut is not a fucking mammal, it doesn't reproduce through live birth.

The attitude of taking no crap is making me happy.


It has hair and produces milk

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t produce actual milk
Isn’t this something you can google anyway? Why bring it into debate when you have to entire internet at your disposal? This isn’t worth our time, sorry


I was planning on tying it into a discussion about the death penalty which is something we all will have to vote on in the future. Which is incredibly important and can impact the entire country.

What were you going to say?


Shit I accidentally brought up something slightly old
I’m sorry my phone sometimes doesn’t show the most recent pages

@Mojack group

I was planning on tying it into a discussion about the death penalty which is something we all will have to vote on in the future. Which is incredibly important and can impact the entire country.

Just to clarify, what country are you referring to when you say this? Death penalty isn't legal where I live (unless in certain offences.)

Deleted user

I was just going to make a correlation on how most people would agree that torture is okay under certain and specific circumstances, but most of these same people would say that the Death Penalty is inhumane.


It is not inhumane. It may be naive, but I trust that the governments confident enough in their justice to instil the death penalty in a world where its so controversial will enforce it only on the people who deserve to die.


On the other hand, death is a mercy for those risking torture. For the criminals risking harsher punishment in another system, death is an easy exit.
That's also a reason why it isn't inhumane.

Deleted user

It's not up to the government though. It's up to the people that go through the trial as jurors that make the decision to pass along the death sentence and then the judge moves forward with further appeals and habeas corpus laws and what not.

People like you and me can send a person to death.

@HighPockets group

The use of one's greatest fears or greatest loves to torture them is cruel no matter what the situation.

I have to agree on this one. Or the use/threaten to use a loved one of the accused to get them to talk is uncalled for. Especially since they generally use a child or wife to do such a thing.

Yeah. Like the jabberjays, that scene almost made me cry.

Deleted user

Now… that's much more dangerous.
