forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Uh Death Parade is the best anime I’ve ever seen, convince me otherwise.

Deleted user

Yea why not? Debating which anime are actually good is interesting.

Deleted user

I think One Piece is the worst anime of all time, it’s way too long, over 1000 episodes in counting, filler EVERYWHERE, boring plot, monotonous arks, crappy characters, horrible character growth except for MC, which sucks, no grabs, one of the worst anime’s visually, especially when you don’t count the meme or purposely ugly ones. I sat through 10 episodes, forced myself, and I hated every minute of it, the episodes felt like they went on forever. I’ll watch any anime over One Piece, even a cringey sister X brother hentai. cringes just don’t watch one piece…

Deleted user

Deleted user

When you barely watch tv and don't know what any of these are

If you don’t know what one piece is, that’s good.

@HighPockets group

The only shows I watch are The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. I do wanna watch Resistance though.
And the Grishaverse tv show coming soon!!!!!!!!

Deleted user

The only shows I watch are The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. I do wanna watch Resistance though.
And the Grishaverse tv show coming soon!!!!!!!!

I liked Clone Wars, I thought Rebels was okay, and I didn’t watch the other one. I like some of the Star Wars movies.

@Moxie group

A couple debate topics I found interesting:

  • Should the concept of zoos be nullified?
  • Should schools make it a requirment to teach the arts to their students?
  • Should juveniles ever be tried and treated as adults
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?

@HighPockets group

A couple debate topics I found interesting:

  • Should the concept of zoos be nullified?
  • Should schools make it a requirment to teach the arts to their students?
  • Should juveniles ever be tried and treated as adults
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
  • No
  • Yes
  • Depends on the crime. Theft? Probably not. Rape and/or murder? Yes.
  • Probably not
  • No

@HighPockets group

  • Because they help teach people about animals and experience creatures in a way that they normal wouldn't be able to. Obviously I don't agree with the zoos that mistreat their animals, but the nice ones should stay open. Also I just love visiting them because I love animals, especially weird ones like tapirs.
  • A kid stealing something is bad, but not bad enough to land them in prison. A kid murdering or raping someone should be treated as an adult case because those cross the Moral Event Horizon moreso than petty theft.
  • I mean, people realistically aren't gonna stop using plastic bags. I try to use reusable ones and save/reuse plastic ones for holding trash and other stuff.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A couple debate topics I found interesting:

  • Should the concept of zoos be nullified?
  • Should schools make it a requirment to teach the arts to their students?
  • Should juveniles ever be tried and treated as adults
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
  • No.
  • No.
  • I agree with Jyn.
  • No.
  • Well it depends. Where are the cams?

@Moxie group

  • But is it humane to keep animals locked up?
  • Why not Dom?
  • There's a lot of factors to consider with this one. What do you guys think if it's manslaughter? Are you taking into consideration the inability to make good decisions that juveniles have because of their developing brains? The family and gang obligations juveniles face?
  • If they're banned, at least in gricery stores, people will kind of be forced to stop using them. I think realistically, they should be banned to an extent. Plastic bags were banned in grocery stores in my city, and it has yet to burn down.
  • Public cameras, like idk security cams, red light cams, etc. The cameras that already exist

Deleted user

A couple debate topics I found interesting:

  • Should the concept of zoos be nullified?
  • Should schools make it a requirment to teach the arts to their students?
  • Should juveniles ever be tried and treated as adults
  • Should plastic bags be banned?
  • Are security cameras an invasion of our privacy?
  • Places like SeaWorld? Yes. Places like the San Diego Zoo? Hell no. Zoos are so educational and frequently work with programs for the preservation of endangered species and protection against poaching. Not to mention Zoos often save animals from extinction.
  • Yes. The Arts are a healthy way for students to express themselves and learn about cultures in a fun and interactive way other than boring history class. The Arts make school fun.
  • I think that the punishment should match the crime. Although for circumstances where the juvenile comes from a rather difficult past (ie: gang related, etc.) I do believe that kind of situation should be taken into account. Most don't have a choice but to join or die, they should not be punished harshly for that.
  • Yes. They're trash. They're banned in SoCal. The world is a cleaner place without them. Not to mention my reusable bags are SO cute
  • Nah. There are cameras everywhere and most of the millennial and gen z generations live their lives on cameras anyway.

@HighPockets group

  • Yeah, as long as it's not a SeaWorld situation and the animals are being take care of, let them stay open. They're doing more good than harm. And like Eris said, they save animals from extinction or the brink of it, and help teach kids about animals.
    Also the Saint Louis Zoo? Go there, it's AMAZING!
  • If you cut the funding for anything other than the arts, people would be up in arms. They're just as important as other classes and unlike super niche ones like calculus, the average person uses them irl
  • Definitely, a kid who shoplifted once shouldn't be thrown in with adults. However, rapists should be.
  • Stores need to start supplying reusable bags then, since they're kind of pricey everywhere else
  • Exactly, if you don't want an action caught on tape, don't do it at Target.

@Starfast group

Should the concept of zoos be nullified?

No, pretty much for the reasons that Eris and Jynnie mentioned. I think people have started to get a better understanding of what certain animals needs are. Because of that, we can provide better care for animals in captivity.
Take a look at this old lion enclosure for instance:

There is nothing in that cage. This poor guy is probably bored out of his mind, and that's not good.
Now, lets look at this enclosure:

It's huge! There's lots of room for these lions to roam around freely. Not only that, but things like the logs, the water, and the rocks, and even the other lions can provide for some good enrichment for these lions which will stop them from getting bored, and keep them happy in their enclosure.
When people say that zoos should be banned, I feel like they're thinking more about places that are like the first picture. And I know that there are places like that that still exist (*cough* SeaWorld) and those kinds of places shouldn't be allowed.
There's basically 5 animal freedoms that you have to keep in mind for any kind of enclosure which are:
-Freedom from hunger and thirst
-Freedom from discomfort
-Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
-Freedom to express normal behaviours
-Freedom from fear and distress.

A lot of zoos are enforcing these five freedoms, and keeping them in mind when designing enclosures which is really great because it means that we can save individual animals, and entire species even in a safe and responsible manner. For the record, when animals don't have access to these five freedoms that's when things go wrong. When you hear about wild animals turning on their trainers it's not really because they "turned" on their handlers. It's more than likely because they didn't have all of the five freedoms. Think about it, if you were locked up in a tiny room with nothing to keep you entertained you'd probably lose your mind after a while too.

Sorry, didn't mean to write an essay, but I had to learn about this in school and I had some things to say.