forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

unless it's Lee who is doing the killing
or Miri
or like anybody on this site


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The garage counts as your house.
IDK maybe it's just a Cali thing to not let anyone in your personal bubble. lol

idk about WA yet tho

WA does this stuff. I got an alarm clock and a moose hat.

@HighPockets group

The garage counts as your house.
IDK maybe it's just a Cali thing to not let anyone in your personal bubble. lol

idk about WA yet tho

WA does this stuff. I got an alarm clock and a moose hat.

You can't mention a moose hat and then not post a picture.
Although by that logic, I need to post a pic in my light-up squid hat and I refuse to do that, so…

Deleted user

The only way I'm dying is going out with a shit ton of drugs and a chaise to sprawl dramatically on as I die.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have a Glaceon hat somewhere and I'm gonna try and find it (if I still have it)

Also I'm very likely to die by poisoning because I'm an idiot.
Last night, I felt a lil pebble in my bed and I was like, 'what's that?' so I smelled it and it smelled like nothing
Then my monkey brain was like 'put it in your mouth'
and my dumb ass did it
and I didn't taste anything and monkey brain said 'bite it in half'
and I did
it was a bit of eraser though

then i tried to do the same thing with a penny

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The garage counts as your house.
IDK maybe it's just a Cali thing to not let anyone in your personal bubble. lol

idk about WA yet tho

WA does this stuff. I got an alarm clock and a moose hat.

You can't mention a moose hat and then not post a picture.
Although by that logic, I need to post a pic in my light-up squid hat and I refuse to do that, so…

Remind me later. Oh that reminds me. I wanted to see one of your characters. I'll dig through the later and remember why. But I'll get it up. I used it to dress up as a Wendigo once. It was fun, though obviously unorthodox.
And yes, I want.

@HighPockets group

The garage counts as your house.
IDK maybe it's just a Cali thing to not let anyone in your personal bubble. lol

idk about WA yet tho

WA does this stuff. I got an alarm clock and a moose hat.

You can't mention a moose hat and then not post a picture.
Although by that logic, I need to post a pic in my light-up squid hat and I refuse to do that, so…

Remind me later. Oh that reminds me. I wanted to see one of your characters. I'll dig through the later and remember why. But I'll get it up. I used it to dress up as a Wendigo once. It was fun, though obviously unorthodox.
And yes, I want.

……perhaps I will. It's neon blue and the tentacles have been braided by my friends.

Deleted user

I feel like I should stir up an actual debate here but all my brain can supply at the moment is:

Fresh Sugar Cane

Deleted user

Anytime a movement supporting something, even if it's a minority {i.e., plus size weights}, does so while disrespecting another thing {i.e., not plus size weights}, it's gone too far.

Deleted user

The way I see it– If you love the way you look (fat, skinny, curvy, plump, mango, etc) then who fucking cares?

People are too nosy these days.

@Pickles group

I mean.. if you like the way you look, chances are at least one other person does too but who gives a fuck about other people?? Dogs will love you anyway and cats don't care as long as you feed them and give them attention when you want it

Deleted user

I mean.. if you like the way you look, chances are at least one other person does too but who gives a fuck about other people?? Dogs will love you anyway and cats don't care as long as you feed them and give them attention when you want it

And additionally, get people who like you for you

bitch don't like my body? My personality? My sexuality? My stupiditiy?

Out of my life


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Honestly that's the deal. Don't care about stuff. But like Miri says, any movement to support someone is well and good as long as it does not infringe (in all ways) on the rights and perceptions of others as well as is reasonable.

Deleted user

I do think it's important.
Because we've built up this stigma about 'fat' bodies,
and that they're ugly and unwanted.
That sucks.
We need to try to change that.

Deleted user

Also people who call healthy people sluts and tryhards… wht the fuck?????


Well yeah, I think most people can agree on what you all have said.
what I mainly see people having problems with is the “healthy at every size” thing and all the dangerous misinformation being pushed with it.
i’m very neutral here so i’m just gonna kind of throw around other people’s opinions if that’s ok