forum crocs' fashion advice corner
Started by @croccin-champagne

people_alt 99 followers


the low pony babey

you could also like braid it in a way that keeps it up against your head and wear a hat? do a lot of curls, or most up dos that arent too modern. also wig caps and wigs

@HighPockets group

Okay so: I wanna be like. A victorian gentleman for Halloween. I need hair suggestions that don't involve cutting it. My hair reaches just past my shoulders, and is pretty thick

I convinced my sister to go as Laura Ingalls Wilder and I'm going as Oscar Wilde
So we're gonna be "Wilde and Wilder"
I laughed myself to tears after coming up with that pun

@HighPockets group

Low ponytail is a big yes (I say, as if any ponytail I do doesn't make me look like I'm crossdressing to join the American Revolution-), maybe straighten it if you can? I've only seen like one pic of you but I remember your hair being curlier, and straightening it makes it look longer.


I love that

Also, it's not exactly curly so much as vaguely wavy, but yeah, I think I might just do a low ponytail I say, as if that isn't what I do every day already

@Moxie group

At least y'all can do ponytails lol
The only way I can do one is if my hair is very wet and/or straightened and even then it makes me look like Sokka

That is the opposite of a problem


learn to alter your clothes, get those shirts that are just kinda wide and eboy ish(the ones with the obviously cut lower hem, that arent resewn.), walmart is literally my always go to and they have a great eboy selection that has to have at least one thing you can make grunge, the answer is always safety pins, pair it with black for a sexy look, get red shoes. or shoelaces

@Red-Is-Going-To-Be-Off-For-Awhile group

Thanks! this helps a lot. I'm changing a lot of stuff abt myself and I decided I need to change my wardrobe as one of those things. I'm sick and tired of the girly stuff I have and nothing really fits my personality except grunge so I said f it and im going to do it.


Not sure if this is grunge(I'm bad with aesthetic names vlnavsaf) but my friend makes earrings out of random things and I think if you did that it'd look good with that stuff? Safety pins like Crocs said for sure and my friend has these awesome earrings made out of little light bulbs. Some other stuff she uses is toy dinosaurs, miniature cookware, little dreamcatchers(does that fit with the aesthetic? idk. does it look awesome? hell yeah), random stuff. Also I've seen them around and uhh you can never go wrong with worm on a string earrings. If you're going for red then obviously red would work but I've also seen black ones on etsy.


oh my god i have a friend who makes things like worm on a string earrings, earrings with tiny plastic babies, with paperclips(ive done that) and all sorts of just really WEIRD things. and that's definitely got a fun grunge vibe


also totally feel the reinvention, i do it constantly and my current phase is floral, soft, with little hints of sharp if im feeling it(leather jacket, combat boots, etc)


So I talked to my friend and asked "yo is there an aesthetic that's like grunge but…soft? Also with occasional neon colors" and she just looked at me and said "scene. you're looking for scene" but that seems a little too emo for me? Idk but how would I go about making it a little less edgy??


I'm just going off of things that I see and like tbh. I like soft stuff but also I like the grunge aesthetic. And flannels, when it's chillier. Ripped pants are great and I also like wearing skirts. And I also like bright colors


okay for the soft grunge: wear lighter colors. include pastels and white, pair your neon with white, etc. wear simple jewelry, or flowered. get shirts with skulls on them surrounded by flowers. boom.

for max: wear men's clothes, wear non tight jeans, t shirts and flannels are your friend rn but leave them open. clunky work shoes or tennis shoes, wear a watch. hats. beanies. also zip up hoodies if you can