forum crocs' fashion advice corner
Started by @croccin-champagne

people_alt 99 followers


maybe stay away from liner on the top of your lid, but i think waterline might work. idk tho so proceed with caution. use more nude colors, learn how to contour the fuck out of your cheek bones to make em ~pop~ and never underestimate the power of thick ass brow filling. do it. trust me

as for the color correcting, i recommend looking up which does what and corrects what, and writing it down. then keep it with your makeup so that in the future, when you need a red spot covered, or a hickey, you know whether to use green or purple or whatever lmao


you can also buy brow mascara lmao, but if you don't have it or your brows are dark, normal mascara does work super well. if you have light brows you cannot. i strongly recommend against it

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

For Halloween I'm going as Wendy from Gravity Falls! plus a generic witch for a themed halloween party i'm attending but we don't talk about that
Also, I'm going to be getting new glasses frames soon. I have a pretty rectangular face; do you have any frame shapes that you think would suit me well?


you're gonna want detailing on the upper half but more lax on the lower, like the ones with the Chunk up top but not bottom. specialists(don't ask me who) say that they should be wider than your jawline for balance, like just slightly. you can wear cat eye frames and look incredible, which makes you the coolest

@HighPockets group

I think that for square-ish faces they recommend oval or round glasses. Personally I really hate oval and round glasses since I always end up being able to see around the frames, and then it's all blurry. I have rectangular/square glasses, but a more oval face

@Becfromthedead group

ooo. i don't have glasses lmao but i like that they don't have to plain af, which would probably suck. any ideas for the frames or color?

Yeah, actually. I prefer the rounded square shape frames. That's what I have now. My current glasses are a dark red. I found a cool pair that are roughly the same shape, and they're black, and fade into a brownish color below the eye. It's hard to explain, but they're pretty cool. Especially considering i was gonna just get a regular ol black pair for the versatility.
Need to find my prescription again though


friendly reminder to all you lovely people:

sometimes you have to take a step back and ask yourself 'am i wearing this outfit, or is this outfit wearing me'

it's all in the confidence, darlings. don't dress like shane dawson in his horrible music video 'this christmas life' don't do it please