forum Come Together and Connect (Any Topic Is Fair Game)

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Alright. Here's something that I think I should say.
Previously, I've felt like an outcast here. That's partly why I created this chat. So I wouldn't feel left out, or alone. Someone said that they couldn't connect to people on this site, and I'm gonna try to help. I'm not gonna call them out, as they know who they are. I'm just here so you don't have to feel alone. I'm here. This is a safe space for anyone, and everyone. Remember this quote.
bidh aon rionnag a ’deàrrsadh soilleir gu leòr gus dorchadas a chumail air falbh, ach bheir mòran rionnagan air falbh dorchadas.
(one star will shine bright enough to keep darkness away, but many stars will remove darkness)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Whoever they are, I want them to know I'm here too. We all are. This a space where we all can share our hopes, desires, dreams, silly thoughts, how our day/life is going, or just to hear other people talk. I hope they will feel more connected and be able to talk to everyone and make some friends!


Have I expressed my wish to learn how to speak Irish, because I really do. I appreciate the usage. I had a good life realization the other day would ya'll like to hear.


Good because I'm sharing it anyway. I decided that A) I'm not ready to be in a relationship and B) The guy I like isn't ready to be in a relationship. I need to learn how to love me better before I can pursue any type of romantic relationship. Pageboy doesn't have the time management skills to be in a relationship. that was my realization

@Milani eco

Any advice on how to approach my boyfriend to hold his hand? i know that it has been 4 months between us but im moving slowly.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

When I want to hold my BF's hand, I just quickly slip my hand against his while we're walking down a hallway, talking. Of course, if it's the first time, just lightly tap his hand a couple times with the back of yours.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Good because I'm sharing it anyway. I decided that A) I'm not ready to be in a relationship and B) The guy I like isn't ready to be in a relationship. I need to learn how to love me better before I can pursue any type of romantic relationship. Pageboy doesn't have the time management skills to be in a relationship. that was my realization

It's good that you realized that. I hope life goes well for you, and that someday, when you're ready you'll have a good relationship with a good person!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My BF actually can speak Japanese for the most part. It's kind of fun, listening to him. He can also make himself sound like a high-pitched, loli. He was learning I think he could speak either French or Spanish and was learning the other. He also can do an American accent, but his real accent is Australian.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

My accent is so messed up. Alright so I had a deep Scot accent when I moved to Alaska, and it started to get more Northern influences and it became a smoother Scot accent, and then I moved to South Carolina, and here's the kicker. I picked up the Southern accent really quickly because it had the basic lilt that Gaelic had, and now I can talk like a born and bred Southerner, and the Scot sounds real weird like I'm mixing the two, and it kinda sounds fake but it's not because I'm currently trying to find the happy medium between the deep South and the high North.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Also, I wanna learn Irish myself, or German. Probably German. I'm a bit of a mutt, so I have both bloods in my veins. lol

Irish is much different that Scots Gaelic. The Northern Scots cannot hold a converstaion with the Southern Irishmen just because they don't speak the same language. And German, well it's just an angry language in general.

@Milani eco

My boyfriend speaks farsi (persian i think) and he always speaks to me in that language. It's kinda annoying because i dont know what he's saying but it's also funny cause he is teasing me. lol

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[ insert meme ]

Sorrel you're the best so I found a meme to convey my emotions because I can't open up to people about my feelings

literally thank you so much??? i'm sorry for my slow response??? ily!

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Okay so I have a lot of tea right now and I'm fixing to rant here.

My guy best friend of four years told me my crush got in a relationship with someone, and I asked that someone and my crush about it. Guess what? Best friend of four years lied to me. Told him I was a little mad over it and he isn't speaking to me. Crush decided I'm hot all of the sudden. Then, I told best friend of four years's friend about it. That girl and he traded the "special photos of body", and he told her he loved her. News flash, he's dating someone that isn't her as of yesterday, and I've decided that being true to myself and my friends is much better than befriending a liar. :)

Okay I hope you beings liked that, honestly needed to gather some loose thoughts. Btw, I feel great, so don't worry bout it. :)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Bruh my mom is sick. She has no fever or cough, she just has chills and aches. So I'm paranoid nowwwwwww…… I feel fine, like I could run for miles, and my dad and sis are better than I am, soooooo….. My fam has self quarantined, and we're livingg on a prayer, bc we ain't even halfway there.