forum Come Together and Connect (Any Topic Is Fair Game)

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Get him to go into the military with you, or marry him when you turn 18, bc there is such thing as marital housing…

He would not go into the military with me, he hates this country and he's an Australian citizen. As for marriage, I know about the maritial housing and the food allowances that come with it, but he wanted to wait to get married until he turned 21. Otherwise, I would be bringing that up with him.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

You're funny, Winter. lol. Also, I'll have to save that recipe to make when my family's not at home. It sounds AMAZING!

I didn't know that the bottom was supposed to screw into the machine thingy I have never used a blender until like 4 days ago

Pfft- And how old are you? 17?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

You're funny, Winter. lol. Also, I'll have to save that recipe to make when my family's not at home. It sounds AMAZING!

I didn't know that the bottom was supposed to screw into the machine thingy I have never used a blender until like 4 days ago

Pfft- And how old are you? 17?

Yep. Not gonna lie, I am very uncultured. In the ways of the lower 48…