forum Come Together and Connect (Any Topic Is Fair Game)

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I know no one asked but.. I'm doing terribly. Life isn't nice. I'm very very sleep deprived, and I can't sleep until I finish this math thing and I really don't want to do it. MY Math teacher does this thing where he assigns us things that he hasn't taught and has them due before he teaches them.

@saor_illust school

It's okay relsey

but that sucks, i'm sorry about that

if you need anything my PMs are always open to… try to help i guess since i'm not perfect at it nor am i even close to being perfect

Deleted user

guys HELP, I have to speak in front of like, 700 people today, and I'm freaking out-

@Anemone eco

guys HELP, I have to speak in front of like, 700 people today, and I'm freaking out-

Oh my. I could never. Uhhhh…. pep talk!

You can do it, Soso! You can talk on the world! Those 700 people will see your glory! Remember to take deep breaths, smile, and look for a friendly face in the crowd! And if you can't find one, I'll be that friendly face, although, in spirit.

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Well it took me off guard I guess, Whisper. Like, I was literally told, just before I went to sleep last night, "Hey, write a eulogy, you'll be one of two speakers tomorrow have a good day." I'll try my best though, and thanks, Nie. Really inspiring, as usual :).

Deleted user

Everyone else dropped out. Either because they'll cry or because nervousness. I'm just gonna go kamikaze into it, I guess. Even though it'll make me nervous and literally wanna be alone, I'll go at it with my full force. Y'know?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Can you guys be there for me now? One of my good friend's brother was accidentally shot, and he died. They were playing with the gun, and they took the clip out, but didn't check to see if there was a bullet in the chamber. They were posing with it, and something possessed him to put the end of it in his mouth, and his bff bumped into him and it went off. They told me that he died instantly. So be there for me now please…

@Anemone eco


I am sososososososo sorry that that happened. You can talk to me about anything you need.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm good for now, but everyone was a wreck at school. He was a sophmore, and his girlfriend was the biggest mess that I've ever seen a person be, and still function. The thing that bothered me the most is that there were no grief counselers that I saw, or heard of.

@saor_illust school

Oh no… I'm really sorry about that Winter…
I offer my condolences…

Also, I'm sorry that I can't really offer much besides a person who will listen to you (aka me) and virtual hugs. I'm… not really that great at anything else when it comes to comforting people, sorry…

But we're here for you Winter <3

@Reblod flag

I'm sorry that happened to you Winter. Losing someone close to you can be hard especially when they were close to people you care about

I also wanted to say that if anyone wants help with maths feel free to ask me. I don't do maths anymore but I really enjoy it so I'd be happy to help. Unfortunately, the way they teach maths at school doesn't really vibe with me which is the only reason I dropped it
You know, if anyone needs help with anything you can ask me whether it's school-related or personal. I know life can be hard sometimes and you might need some help to get through it. It might be weird to suddenly say these things since I'm not really close with anyone on here and don't talk much but I'm still here

Deleted user

Hey Winter, I'm going through a death too, though it's about a week old or so. The funeral was yesterday so it's fresh again. I know it's hard, I really do, but I'll be here for you if you need me. It's what I'm here for. <3