forum Come Together and Connect (Any Topic Is Fair Game)

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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I had an idea. Can someone please write a story about an asexual pirate not being affected by sirens? Like the whole pirate crew are below deck crying and covering their ears, and he's up on the top deck running the whole ship, and he stops to look down into the water like could you not please? I'm trying to keep us all alive here. And the sirens are so confused that he's not falling for it.

Deleted user

I would love to read that, but I too could never write it.

@Anemone eco

In all honesty, I can't pinpoint exactly how long. All I know is that it's been years at least. Although I don't have much in the skill department to show for it lmao

@Anemone eco

The thing about my writer's block is that most of my writing happens when I feel some type of emotion or go through a very memorable experience. So now I don't really feel definite emotions as often and my memory is failing me so much that I can hardly remember things from yesterday. Haha… I'm screwed.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I know it's late at night in my time zone, but I remembered something. And I think it's very important. In my language, Gaelic, we have a very powerful word for a people who mean a lot. People who are anchors, and lifelines. It's
Anam Cara
The true definition is a person with whom you can share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and dreams, with your soul friend.
The definition I grew up with is: Anam cara are people who see your deepest faults, and who have witnessed your biggest failures, but who have picked you up, and carried you, so you may see what they see in you. I don't know who needed to see this, but I feel like someone out there did. So this is my gift. It's a revered word, and I give it to you wonderful people freely……..