forum Aaaaand the forums are dead again
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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:) Yet another question, are you excited for the BTS World app release??
Sorry I'm asking so many questions lol, it's nice to find a Kpop fan here!


Ermigersh okay thank you so much for introducing AB6IX and I will now have an internal screaming session because heh I can't decide a bias…

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lol, you're welcome! I haven't decided on a bias for that group, I'm not sure if I'm going to stay as a casual listener or become a full on fan, idk yet hehe.


Yeah I'll see. They're doing well though - awards and all that ish. Imma wait for more songs before having an opinion.
Also, if you want to meet more kpop fans there's several of us on here. Have you met Suga-Lover?

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I haven't met them but I saw them around in a few topics. Also, Hello other fellow kpop fan!!

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dang, well I have to go to sleep, it was nice to meet y'all!!

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I'm laying on my bed, looking out over my way too messy room and trying to avoid having to go outside (my grandma wants me to help her in the garden)

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I am also wondering why the heck I brought so much clothes to my grandma's place since I'm only staying here for two days


Hey y'all
I'm traveling, I haven't been horizontal in nearly 24 hours, and I might start hearing colours if i don't go to to sleep soon


@IHaveADamProblem i totally get that. i overpack all the time, too- the worst part is i'm good at it, which means i'll still only take one backpack even though its filled with too many clothes, whicht then means if something else has to be added, i can't repack…

@Knight-Shives group

I've brought one pair of clothes to a sleep over once. I slept in the clothes I was already wearing. I also brought my computer and it's charger…. Priorities.(we ended up sitting next to eachother in a dark room away from her sister and watching YouTube)


I've brought one pair of clothes to a sleep over once. I slept in the clothes I was already wearing. I also brought my computer and it's charger…. Priorities.(we ended up sitting next to eachother in a dark room away from her sister and watching YouTube)

That sounds like an awesome sleepover ^^

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@IHaveADamProblem i totally get that. i overpack all the time, too- the worst part is i'm good at it, which means i'll still only take one backpack even though its filled with too many clothes, whicht then means if something else has to be added, i can't repack…

I, for some reason, brought 3 different dresses… why, when I only went to 1 party? Also I feel like I switch clothes way too much, cause I have actually worn all of the outfits that I packed even though I packed too many…

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Morning [yawn]. I always end up underpacking… well when it comes to clothes. I bring a ton books I never read on the trip, or the airplane that just sit in my bag.