forum Aaaaand the forums are dead again
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I'll be on as much as I can, at least. I have no traveling plans until august and I'll just try not to kill my family (they can be so incredibly annoying and my mom is home all days so I have no alone time) until then…

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Oof… Well this summer’s gonna be a pain in that case cause I have literally nothing going on

I probs won't haveanything either, so I should still be on…

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Why is it always the same people who end up in this chat are we pathetic do we have no lives probably not


My sister brought home a puppy
I've wanted one since I was a teeny little baby but everyone always told me no
Is this actually happening
I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming
This is too great to be true
He's so floofy and cuddly
Help me

@Knight-Shives group

Cats are amazing. They make you feel special when they show you affection. Unlike dogs they don't always crave attention and your love. They just make you earn to love them. Unless they walk up to you like " servant love me now."

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I love cats and my brother loves cats and my dad loves cats and my mom tolerates cats but my dad is allergic so we can't have one :(

Deleted user

Aawwww puppys I like cats better tho


Same, but I've never had a pet, I only know from other people's pets :(