forum Aaaaand the forums are dead again
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Screams in a mixture of pure terror, anger, and agony

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I don't even rlly take finals bc the only finals my school takes don't go on our grades


My mom said that if I work really hard on my schoolwork, getting as much done in a day as possible, I’d be done by August…
That was a month ago. I’ve barely done anything.

I’m never going to be smart, successful, or really anything more than “the potato that draws”


Just because our world defines intelligence as being good in school, doesn't mean thats true. You are smart. Don't let anyone ever limit you to your grades/achievements in school. You are way more as a person, and that's what's important.

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@cue-nervous-humming is right. School and grades and stuff is such a small part of life that's so overexagerrated. You're grades and how good you are at school assignments doesn't even begin to define your intelligence.


SCREEEEEE Crashes through window Do I need to give my motivational speech again cause I will. You CLap Are Clap Not CLap Your Clap Education Clap, Once opine a time Relsey and her family went out to a lake middle of nowhere no service and naturally the car got suck and the people next to us by the lake helped us get out, It took 2 hours and they pulled the car out, not only that but they entertained us the kids while they did so, when they were done one of them told my mom, "We ain't got no education, but we got hearts". That's what important Ella You have a heart and you use it, even then the things we learn in school are next to no help in the world, we had a speaker come to our school once, and I don't know if the admin knew he was going to say this but one of the first things he said was, "Grades don't matter, I'm completely serious, I've never once walked into a job interview and had someone ask me what my GPA was, Not once while I'm giving a job interview have I asked or cared what your GPA was." My History teacher was a straight C student in high school and was the boy your mother warned you about. He's now one of the most loved and important teachers at my school. I know a Band teacher at the middle school, he doesn't have his teaching credentials, legally he should not be teaching but he is and he's one of the best Band directors in the area. The point is You can do what you want with out having the perfect non procrastination school life.


I feel ya fam. Strict parents who notice one A- and start screaming their heads off because that's the biggest problem in the world. How dare their perfect little straight A student mess up on one grade?


Some times you just gotta mentally put in head phones, but yah that is hard I'm lucky my parents don't really care about my grades

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Mmkay, Knight Shives, I've been in this exact situation, only at 3 AM. It's probably trying to mate. Cats are surprisingly loud and fighty when they do that.