forum Aaaaand the forums are dead again
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I have never read such an accurate statement, it's three in the morning, I'm still awake, I'm bored, I have no friends, I tried to write and got writers block, I've had writers block for the past…. 3 months, Why are all of my plots lame, why plot holes, Did you know I'm the only one of my female friend group that's single yay I'm going to die alone, It's summer that means I'm stuck in this house for 2 months, Literally no one has contacted me for a week, It's late, I cant sleep cures you insomnia why can't I have one good nights sleep, The person I really want to talk to doesn't want to talk to me, actually I don't know that but you know the likely hood of him forgetting I even exist is very high. What am I even doing with my life, I'm just a bunch of chemicals working together to be something. I am not just a hunk of carbon not just a hunk of carbon. (These are my very scattered thoughts right now )


Nananannanananah we do not talk or mention the test created by evilness and sprouted from the student population's blood sweat and tears.

Deleted user

…that progressively gets more difficult as it continues…

Deleted user

…Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal ~bodeboop~…