forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@TeamMezzo group

(hi question is it normal that your spirits flip off your asshat of a principal without you asking them or like is that a common thing)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

But I won! I get to keep you!
(Does this mean Damion is moving on again? Or is he moving back in with us?)
{Well, that sucks for you then. I'm staying. Nice knowing you, Abby. Wish I could have stayed.}

(Damion, you can stay with us for a bit… At least until you know where you're going next… But yay Marcus! [imagine I'm hugging you tightly])

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(hi question is it normal that your spirits flip off your asshat of a principal without you asking them or like is that a common thing)

(Marcus flipped off my classmates and a couple teachers before, so… I guess?)

Deleted user

(Ghost flipped off a couple of people before, mostly my parents though.)

Deleted user

(Almost as dead as the spirits here. And I just got smacked!) Don't mind Logan, they're an idiot.

Deleted user

(Ghosts pack a lot of punch for not having fists.) I hate you, I say this not as an opinion. It's 83 degrees outside and I hate you. (Le gasp, you have memed.)

Deleted user

(The ghosts I have don't have hands! I'm pretty sure they died in a cult ritual or something.) You look like a cult ritual. (No you.) That's coming from the person with blood coming down their mouth. (SHUT UP!)

Deleted user

(You weren't supposed to know about that, now if I can figure out HOW TO DELETE FUCKING MESSEGES.)

Deleted user

(Thanks. And… My bloody mouth is more of a self inflicted thing.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Something up with Marcus… I only catch glimpses of him and I can't hear him as well as I used to… I only catch small snatches of his voice. It's like… well, my connection to him is degrading…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(I don't even know. It's not even like he's gone, I can still tell he's there, I just can't see or hear him very well anymore. It's like… I'm blind and deaf when it comes to him…. He still exists, just- I'm making no sense am I?)