forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Kid was being an asshole in science today [like usual] and when I finally decided to point it out, he turned around like, "What did you just call me?" I'm sad to say I just sat and smiled at him while fiddling with my marker in one hand. …. so yeah.)

Deleted user

I would have yelled, I called someone a bitch infront of a teacher today…//

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Heh. I had actually flipped him off a month ago for flicking something at my head, and everyone was super surprised because I'm a generally a super-nice, push-over, never-ever-reacts kinda person.)

Deleted user

This little bitch keeps making fun of my friend becuase he think's we're dating, so I may have called him a multitude of curses.//

@Mojack group

(I’ve always been way too shy to really act out on anything but I’m pretty sure given the chance and under certain circumstances i’d probably do something. But I’ve just created such a large persona around myself at school and everyone sees me as a quiet, shy, nice girl. Which I suppose I am, sometimes, but I have different parts to my personality, too. I’m pretty sure I’ve only really called people something not very nice in German under my breath, though.)

Deleted user

(Ah, you see, I'm known as the person you don't want to mess with. Actually, I'm known as the person you can do anything to but once you mention my friends, I can and will beat you to a pulp. No one at school knows how many hours I've spent dancing and building up muscles.s)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(For me, everyone keeps forgetting how strong I am from tossing around feedbags and shit 'cause I'm so skinny. Also, Marcus, if you're there, please keep in mind that you left me with another shadow spirit who is now crawling into my bed at night! Also, his name is Damien.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(… Are we talking about the same Damien? Also, why the heck did you leave without telling me Marcus? Now I'm stuck with a scary, perverted ghost. I swear he's even more perverted than you!)