forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hello Iréne. And I don't have a clue. I just heard footsteps and when I looked at the top of the stairs, he was standing there smirking at me. He just said, "Well, hello." and walked away, disappearing) … She doesn't remember what he called her when the bitch said hi, but for the record, Imma kill him if he shows up again. (It also doesn't help you scared the crap out of me ten minutes earlier.) Yeah, she refused to speak to me.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Well, if a ghost had made a huge slam on your kitchen wall and you were already on edge, plus you could see that guy's expression, you would be at least a little scared.)

@TeamMezzo group

(oh. my. fuckwads. Holy shit. Oh lord. FUCK! So the two other spirits manifested. WITHIN. TWO. FUCKING. HOURS. OF. EACH OTHER. HOLY. FUCKWADS. AHH.) Yeah. We've gotten Zeria and Elise manifested now. Holy shit. It's pretty nuts ~You can say that again!~

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Is this time of year something to ghosts? I mean, there's apparently tons of manifestations…) shrugs I honestly don't know… But I did manifest in your dreams around this time of year…

Deleted user

(I suppose it's the new year.) I have been along for a while, I simply just drifted to Florida.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(Is this time of year something to ghosts? I mean, there's apparently tons of manifestations…) shrugs I honestly don't know… But I did manifest in your dreams around this time of year…

(Yes, it is. Also, what did you mean when you told Marcus you knew something after you called Vixen a female fox?) Huffs. (He didn't like that so much.)

@Mojack group

I don’t know either, if it’s the year of something to ghosts, but there are certain things or places, or even just times of years us ghosts will show up in. I don’t really remember too much about myself though, but I know I was living in this certain area for a lot longer than my current hauntee.. I mean, by living, I just mean, staying, because you know, I’m not really alive in the same way humans are.
((Yeah I get you there Feris, but you never told me you’ve been in this area longer than you’ve been with me? I wonder how old you are.))
Yeah, well anywho, today I learned blood is a substitute for eggs in baking.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I don’t know either, if it’s the year of something to ghosts, but there are certain things or places, or even just times of years us ghosts will show up in. I don’t really remember too much about myself though, but I know I was living in this certain area for a lot longer than my current hauntee.. I mean, by living, I just mean, staying, because you know, I’m not really alive in the same way humans are.
((Yeah I get you there Feris, but you never told me you’ve been in this area longer than you’ve been with me? I wonder how old you are.))
Yeah, well anywho, today I learned blood is a substitute for eggs in baking.

(Oh, cool! Did you also know that coconut milk can be used as an emergency blood transfusion? Also, It doesn't really matter what I smacked Marcus for. He was being inappropriate. Also, I apologize for offending Vixen. I did not intend to. I was merely confused. Also, I have not gotten lunch today thanks to my councilor, so I'm kinda ticked right now.)