forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Mojack group

(Oh, I should probably make an introduction myself, since I sort of came into this thread and didn’t say anything other than hi. You too, Feris. They get to learn about you.) Do I have to? (Yes.)

(I’m.. well, you can call me Rusu, Oven, or Mojack, or even just make me up a nickname as long as you tell me. I’m a female, and the hauntee of one spirit, but I’m fairly open to every supernatural creature that would reside in or near my house. Feris has been with me for a long time now, but I really only learnt their name a few months ago and around three years was when they started conversation with me. My interests are games, cats, dragons, aliens, space, planes and probably a lot more than that! Anyways, Feris; it’s your turn now!)

I’m Feris. I’m sure Rusu told you some about me already. As far as I know as well, I’m the only spirit holding current residence in this house. He/him/his pronouns or they/them are fine for describing me. I suppose I’ll tell you some of my interests, which would be planes and history. I’m pretty sure I was a pilot of planes in my past, but that’s really the only part I remember.

(So I guess you’re not too old of a spirit compared to some others then if you were a pilot?)

I suppose so.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

He's Albino, blue eyes, tall, his hair sticks up in the front, wearing all white clothes, and always carries a fiddle.) He's also a cult leader and a murderer!!! (Peeves!)

(K. I'll let you know if he ever shows up for some reason.) WHISPER!! PEEVES JUST SAID HE'S A MURDERER!! (Ok, and?)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I’m Feris. I’m sure Rusu told you some about me already. As far as I know as well, I’m the only spirit holding current residence in this house. He/him/his pronouns or they/them are fine for describing me. I suppose I’ll tell you some of my interests, which would be planes and history. I’m pretty sure I was a pilot of planes in my past, but that’s really the only part I remember.

(Hey Feris! Nice to meet another history geek! What part of history do you like the most?) …

@Mojack group

You have been expecting me..? Hello, then.. Also, my personal favourite history is the 20th century, but I like any parts in general.
(I like history as well, it's to be meeting you all!)

Deleted user

I'm here to say that Spearmint probably won't be on for a little bit, their used to be friend is moving away. Their crying their eyes out.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(*They're… sorry, I can't help it…)

(My dad is a journalist in profession and he's drilled it into my head to be annoyed by that kind of thing too. lol. I rebel by using slang. XD Also, what was your vision?) That new dude is getting slower in manifesting… What is he up to… (Marcus, just stop obsessing over it. Also, I'm now in a fashion design class!! I'm super happy!)

Deleted user

Sorry darlin' This is why I hate you all. Shove off, Ghost

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(*They're… sorry, I can't help it…)

(My dad is a journalist in profession and he's drilled it into my head to be annoyed by that kind of thing too. lol. I rebel by using slang. XD Also, what was your vision?) That new dude is getting slower in manifesting… What is he up to… (Marcus, just stop obsessing over it. Also, I'm now in a fashion design class!! I'm super happy!)

(Well, I was playing BitLife, and all of the sudden, the name Feris popped into my head. Since I never ever even knew that was a name, I knew someone named Feris would appear soon.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

… Whisper feels like rolling around on the ground laughing at that statement. She says she has never felt comfortable in her own body. (… You didn't need to tell them that…)

Deleted user

(I'm back! And only slightly possessed!) They're not actually possessed. (I never figured out the other spirits name, huh!) None of your business. I want to see if any of you can guess!