forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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(I have an Alexa in my room and I made her start singing it.)

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Lex called their friend named Alex just to make this joke, let them have it.

@TeamMezzo group

(Okay, this is a bit nervewracking, but it felt right to do a semi-formal introduction. Hi, I'm ZJ, the hauntee of no less than 5 spirits, and I try and assist/get to know any other spirits I meet. I can see all spirits, pretty much, and it's kinda weird still. The main 5 spirits kinda inhabit themselves in pieces of jewlery I own; Noah in a bracelet with a turtle, Rae and Bex in a pair of earrings, Papi Joseph in a fortune cookie neclace, and Madchen, our spirit dog, in a small bead shaped like a dog that I keep on a different bracelet than Noah's.The others just float around wherever they kinda want, cuz they don't technically haunt me, even though we are close. Whenever I'm talking it'll be in parentheses. They/them or xe/xer pronouns, please!)

Hey! I'm Noah, and I'm ZJ's first ever spirit. I started to haunt them, and they were INCREDIBLY surprised that they could see me. As they started to pay closer attention to life, they started seeing more and more spirits. Now, they can see pretty much every spirit. Honestly, I'd never heard of someone learning to see spirits, but there's a first time for everything? He/Him pronouns are fine, but they/them work, too. I called dibs on normal text, so this'll be how you know it's me.

Hi, I'm Bex! I don't really have all that much to say beside that it's nice to meet you, and sorry that there's a lot of us to keep straight(or in my case, gay).They/them pronouns, please and thank you! This style of text is my signature thing, cuz… well idk i just got 3rd dibs so

~What's up, I'm Rae. It's a guy name. He/Him. Nice to meet you, I guess? Hope we can be cool.~

(And papi doesn't really wanna talk, but he's really sweet if you get to meet him. Madchen is a dog, so no shit you won't be hearing from her. I, uh, hope we can get to know each other, and sorry if we don't respond right away since I'm in school and don't have my laptop on weekends when I go to my dad's house. Cya.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hey, Mezzo, Mojack, Feris, Noah, Bex, And Rae! Welcome!

In other news… Guys I might have another shadow spirit. Help.) FUCKIN' BITCH IS TRYING TO TAKE MY WOMAN!!! (Marcus… I swear….)

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(OooOh! Fancy! Ghost is being pissy becuase there's a new spirit!)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(The other ghost hasn't manifested strong enough to talk to outside of dreams yet, so, stay tuned…) I'M NOT GONNA LET HIM! HE'S NOT ALLOWED TO CONNECT WITH YOU! (Shut.UP Marcus!)

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(Hah! Marcus can join Ryker in the pissy spirits club!) I AM NOT PISSY!

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(I can't see it….) Just from that it seems quite annoying. (Stop being so posh, you're basically a London sewer rat.) Fuck off, my accent is wicked. And I am not a sewer rat! This is our new spirit. Lex and them together are annoying and before you say anything, no, I am not pissed.

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(BNHA?) Ooh! Is that the cartoon with the broccoli boy and…. erm… the angry pomeranian?