forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

people_alt 52 followers

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(Life fucking sucks.)
Hello, new ghosty here.
Did you say Marcus?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Umm… yeah? Hello new ghost, what's your name? By the way guys! I managed to talk to him last night!! He's not dead to me yet!! He and I think our situation has something to do with the emotions on my end…)

Deleted user

(Ah, my name's not important. I just saw a dude named Marcus at a rave a while back, he was kinda a jerk. So from what Logan tells me, that sounds like your Marcus)

Deleted user

(Logan, what's Jeff the Kiler?)
I'll show you later.