forum Infected Hearts - closed
Started by @PuffPoff

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@Becfromthedead group

"If?" Sebastian asked, "Oh, we're killing zombies, alright. But I don't see you shouldn't, as long as it's for research purposes."
He made sure the magazine was in properly and had the pistol aimed at the door.

@Becfromthedead group

“Sorry, guys, but honestly most of us have gone through losing siblings, and at this point, we have bigger problems on our hands,” Sebastian said, flashing a sympathetic look but refocusing his attention towards the door.


Logan looked at the group. They seemed to be adamant to find a cure. "I know what it's like… I'm sorry, but Sebastian is right. We need to go." he said.


Rune nodded cursing herself for getting emotional. He's gone and it's your fault, so stop thinking you can fix it. Focus on getting the job done


"You guys go towards the library, I'll go the other way and start shooting my shotgun," Rune said looking at the hordes.


"What? You can't do that! I mean, unless you're 100% sure you won't become one of them or die!" Promise took one hand out of her pocket and counted on her fingers, then shook her head. "The odds are against you. It isn't fair that we get away and you die."

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"Well, I'm Solstice." Sol looked at the girl as she sheathed her sword once more.

“Congrats.” Eira replied dryly, her eyes locked on the zombies ambling through the streets.

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Sol sighed, "No use at making conversation, I see." She sat down on her couch.

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“I’d rather not get comfortable.” Eira shot the other girl a glare.

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Sol held her hands up defensively, "I was just trying to be nice,"

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“Don’t bother. I’m here until it clears up outside and then I’m gone.” Eira replied sternly.