forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw turned around and pushed against them, trying not to cry. "Nononononono-!" She suddenly ducked down and shifted into her tiny brown wolf form, taking the chance to bolt out.


“River, I am so sorry! Listen, I just wanted you guys to have some fun, live a little. I shouldn’t have pushed you. Ugh! How do I say this….I don’t want you to be me. When I was captured, I was forced into society after years in the forest. People were ruined for me. I just didn’t want that to happen to you,”


“I never stay with someone in a relationship for more than a day, I don’t make friends. Relationships were ruined for me. I don’t want that to happen to you, but I shouldn’t force it on you.” And, for a second, Zephen’s party girl/social butterfly disguise melted away.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She sniffed, peeking from under her tail. "I-I was taken in by the guardians o-of my forest after…m-my pack was killed by h-hunters. Th-this is why I don't like leaving the f-forest; humans, most creatures, terrify me. I-I know Tsunami tries to help, a-and you were too, b-but…I'm still technically in training, a-and…I don't feel l-like I'm ready for this stuff."

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw nodded, sitting up slowly. She hated talking about it, every time she even thought about it, her mind would go back to the images of her pack's territory burned down, dozens of bodies, wolves and human forms, scattered around. Her mother's body was there.. She shook her head, exhaling shakily. "I-it's okay.." She mumbled, mostly to herself.