forum The Fantasy Tavern
Started by @Knight-Shives group

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"No worries, little one. What will it be then? Music?"

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He's giving us the go around, methinks." Nim muttered to Zephen

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw's ears swiveled back as she heard, or more like felt, the heavy steps pounding towards them. Tsunami didn't know where they were, but she was quite the tracker. "I-I like music." Riverpaw nodded.

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"I believe i shall Zephen" Nim looks down at Riverpaw "Would you like to come to? Or the music is right over there." She points to the minstrels that are playing just off the field.

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Nim breezed over, arms full of prizes and wearing a giant hat. "Hello Hello."

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"No boyfriend?" Nim asked as she handed him a stuffed animal.