forum Over the Cracked Stone Wall
Started by @German_Boats

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Haven sent an icy glare towards Anita and scowled.
"Oh calm down. We're not dead, we just need to climb back over. No need for drama." But when she turned around to look at the wall…
It was gone.


"Yes, there-" Anita stared. Now on her side, where a brick wall should have been, was nothing. Sitting back up, she turned her head to either side. Nothing. No wall. Anita put her head in her hands, confused.


"You," Anita pointed at Scarlet and rubbed her eyes with her other hand. "You said that you've been back here. How do we get out?"


"Okay. I just need to reorient myself." Anita turned to Scarlet. "You are telling us that the only way back to our homes is down this shady- looking path, that we didn't even come in on."


"Do you at least know where the wall went?" Anita ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated. "This makes no sense." She whispered.


"When you cross the wall it disappears," Scarlet said "You will find it at the end of the path," Scarlet looked at the ground. "Unless you turned out like me when I fell," Scarlet whispered under her breath.


"And how do we know that you're not just trying to trick us? We don't even know who you are." The others, who were looking bored at Anita's constant arguments with Scarlet, looked up when Anita asked this. To be fair, she didn't feel like arguing either, but when it came to the safety of her friends, Anita didn't want to risk anything. Especially when they just fell off of a moving wall and found whatever this place is.


"I wouldn't lie to you," Scarlet said still staring at the ground. "When I got to the end of the path it was too late maybe for you it can be different." Scarlet Whispered


"You're the one you got us into this mess in the first place!" Anita ran her fingers through her hair sighed. She then, in a lower voice, said, "I'm sorry I yelled. Can you please just explain this place to me? I- I just can't grasp anything that's going on. Maybe, if you explain it to me, we could figure out a solution to getting home."


"The wall moves to the end of this path when you enter. It's a land of magic and things that don't really exist. Some of the creatures will try and keep you here, but you can't trust them. This world will close up. eventually so you need to hurry."


"Oh wow, that's helpful. Hey, maybe you can call us a unicorn while you're at it so we can find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." Anita was mad. "If you're not even going to try to be useful, I don't think we need your help."


"Fine, but beware there are things out there you DON'T want to mess with," Scarlet yelled. "Turn out like me for all I can," Scarlet mumbled under her breath.