forum Over the Cracked Stone Wall
Started by @German_Boats

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"Is everybody here?" Haven yelled. They were currently in the garden at the back of the house, and if she weren't so afraid she'd be delighted and awestruck. It was beautiful back there, with long twisty paths and all different kinds of plants and flowers. But right now, the only thing that interested her was the huge wall, blocking their escape from the garden into the dark woods. The dark woods were completely off limits, as in, fear of death off limits. But no way were they going back through the house, so the woods were the only option. Maybe they could just hop the wall, and run around to the front with no trouble. "Guys I think I have a plan. But first, do we have everyone?"


(Awe okay, have fun camping!)

Sean ran out to the garden with Avar where he had heard Haven yelling, once they got out of the house he quickly walked over to Haven and Aubrey.


(Hey can I hop in here is my character if it's ok for me to hop in I love over the garden wall as well
Name: Scarlet Rose
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long rosy red hair in a braid. Rosy cheeks. Big green eyes and small pink lips. She is very short about 4'7. )


The basement turned out empty, to Anita's surprise. Finally out of the horrid place, the smell still engraved in her memory, she was about to go upstairs when she heard Haven's voice from behind the house. There they are. She thought.
Anita opened the doors, which must have once been beautiful, but now they were three seconds from breaking. Figuratively, of course. The door didn't break. The garden was beautiful, or at least, it must have been before the mansion was abandoned. Large hedges surrounded every pathway, almost like a maze, except for one thing. Right where the hedge would have continued in front of Anita, there was a big stone wall, and in front of it were Haven, Aubry, and Avar.


( You may join! )
"Okay. It would seem everyone is here, and we need to get out. Come on guys, climb the wall!" she ordered, hopping onto the stone structure.


Scarlet watched the friends hop over the stone wall. Her long red braid fell over her shoulder. She walked over to the group. "Hello, I'm Scarlet," She told them in a soft child-like voice.


Anita ignored the red-haired girl, turning her attention to the more serious problem at hand. "Haven, get down. This isn't a good idea. We don't even know what's behind there." Haven kept climbing. "Haven, I mean it."


Anita stiffened. "No way. Nobody's been back there." At least not in documented history. The wall did seem to radiate a glow like it wanted people to climb it. Anita took a step forward. There were crevices in the wall at convenient locations for hand and footholds. She took another step forward. Snap out of it. Anita blinked before taking a step back. They were here to explore, not kill themselves.


"Guys, we either hop or possibly get killed by some freaky ghost girl. We won't die, the wall isn't that big. We can just run around to the front."
Just as Haven said this, there was a huge crash from inside the house and a loud blood curdling scream.
"The heck… come on guys lets go!" she ushered quickly.