forum Over the Cracked Stone Wall
Started by @German_Boats

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@Darkblossom group

Avar hesitated before walking to where Sean was, the older boy towering over her as she stood next to him and looked down into the basement.


Sean took out the small flash light that he had brought and aimed it down into the dark basement, the stairs were steep so you couldn't really see what was beyond them.


Haven followed Audrey, narrowing her eyes at the sight of the doll. "That thing is creepy." she whispered, before hurrying over to an old jelly safe turned dresser. But when she got over to it, the doors started to shake, the rusty handles squeaking in protest.

"Uh… Audrey?" she whispered fearfully.

(I think that the people in the room are experiencing something freaky, and then the people in the basement can experience something freaky. Then they can meet in the middle and head for the cracked stone wall.)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"It's probably nothing…" Aubrey says, heading over to the closet and opening it.
But when she saw the dead, decaying body of a little girl, she thought it was anything but nothing.
Her scream was so loud it could be head from all the way down in the basement.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Haven followed Audrey, narrowing her eyes at the sight of the doll. "That thing is creepy." she whispered, before hurrying over to an old jelly safe turned dresser. But when she got over to it, the doors started to shake, the rusty handles squeaking in protest.

"Uh… Audrey?" she whispered fearfully.

(I think that the people in the room are experiencing something freaky, and then the people in the basement can experience something freaky. Then they can meet in the middle and head for the cracked stone wall.)

(Aubrey, not Audrey.)

@Darkblossom group

Avar startled when she heard Aubrey’s scream, tripping and falling into the basement. Thankfully, the flight of steps was very short, and she was relatively unharmed except for a bruise on her arm.


Sean looked over towards where the scream came from but ran down to Avar when she fell. "Are you okay?" He asked reaching out his hand to help her up. It suddenly became dark and the slam of a door could be heard, he looked up and realized the basement door had slammed shut.

@Darkblossom group

Avar took Sean’s hand and pulled herself upright, nodding at his question. She flinched when the door slammed shut, turning to look at it. As she did so, a strange pattering sound resounded throughout the basement, the sound of many tiny little legs crawling across the dusty wooden floor.


Sean grabbed his flashlight off the ground that he had dropped when the door slammed. He had to hit it against his hand a few times before it flickered to life, the light was dim but it helped them see a little bit and he shown it around the room but flinched when an angry voice echoed throughout the basement, telling them to get out. "Um I think we should find the others." He said, trying to keep calm but despite his efforts his voice came out shaky.


As he made way back up the stairs they heard shouting of an angry little girl again, the voice screamed repeatedly "GET OUT! GET OUT! LEAVE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Sean quickly ran up the stairs as the yelling grew louder, he was breathing rapidly from fear and tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge. He tried again harder but it wouldn't open and despite the old rotten interior of the house it took a few times of him body checking the door in order for it to come loose and open, he burst into the kitchen before turning to make sure Avar was out as well.

@Darkblossom group

Something grabbed onto Avar’s foot, and she tripped, looking back to see what it was. A giant spider had come up behind her, and had grabbed her foot in its huge maw. She screamed, kicking off her shoe to get away and tumbling through the door out of the basement, slamming it shut. She collapsed into Sean’s arms, whimpering.


Name: Anita Molan
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: A-line bob, straight brown hair, and brown eyes. She is wearing a blouse with a ruffled neckline and a black knee length skirt. Her skin is borderline tan. (not too light, but not really dark enough to be considered tan.)
Other: She is very logical, very smart, knows when to stop talking (she just chooses not to sometimes). She thinks long and hard before making any decisions. However, her soft spot is her friends. She is easily influenced by them (probably why she went to the mansion in the first place)


Anita ran through the woods, late for their rendezvous outside the mansion. Dang it. The clock on her wall broke, so she didn't know what time she was supposed to leave. Now the sun was slowly making its descent towards the hills in the distance. Stopping just outside the mansion door to catch her breath, Anita noticed that it was open. So they were here before me.
(maybe Anita thinks that the gang was in the basement, so she goes there first. that way, they can meet up at the wall later)

@Darkblossom group

Sean hugged Avar and watched the door "Are you okay?" He asked her trying to calm himself down.

Avar shook her head, tears running down her face.


Sean heard Aubrey’s shouts followed by them rushing down the stairs. “Come on we should go find them and leave.” He said, taking Avars hand and leading her away from the basement.


The door creaked as Anita closed it behind her. She was now faced with a dilemma. Upstairs or down? Knowing Haven, she probably wanted to go to the creepiest part of the house first. The basement.
Anita shivered, not wanting to think of whatever monstrosities could be down there. However, she knew that it would be a bad idea to go through the house alone. Letting out a big breath, she walked across the main room and to the door leading to the basement.