forum Over the Cracked Stone Wall
Started by @German_Boats

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"It'll be amazing!" Haven whispered excitedly. "Fear Is what makes this so interesting. I mean, how can we fear it if it's never done anything to us? C'mon guys!" she chirped, skipping backwards into the woods.


"Oh, you guys are so stiff." Haven began, craning her neck to try and catch a glimpse of the mansion through the trees. "The only reason I know about this place is because Mrs. Kelsea at the library told me, and she knows about it because her mother used to work for the old man that lived there. And yeah, okay, a guy may have been killed on the grounds," she admitted. "But other than that, Mrs. Kelsea just talked about the architecture and what-not. Nothing out of the ordinary."

As her friends murmured their different arguments behind her, she giggled and walked five paces ahead. Then after a good ten minutes of loping along, the old mansion appeared on the horizon. With a gasp, Haven darted forwards out of the trees and into a wheat field. The house stood in the middle of it; looming and mysterious. It looked absolutely and completely haunted, but Haven was to exited to care.


"Okay, fine." Haven grunted, slowing to a walk. The mansion was stunning, sitting in the middle of the golden wheat field. It was huge too, with steep sloping rooftops and large windows. The kids had found the front, with two large oak doors mounted on an even larger set of stairs. You could tell there had once been a massive mettle gate to keep trespassers away, but now there were just a few random poles here and there. Moss grew heavily on the steps leading to the entrance, and the place looked as if it would fall down soon.

When Haven finally made it to the door, she placed her hand onto the smooth wood and sighed. This was going to be one of the best adventures yet!


Sean stopped to look at the giant mansion in front of them, falling to the back of the group. He tries to imagine what it looked like before it was abandoned and he could tell it would have been incredible but there was something enchanting about the dusty windows and overgrown moss and vines that almost made him prefer the house this way.


"Alright, enough drooling. Lets do this!" Haven squealed, and then she began to push on the heavy doors. "Help me, guys!" she demanded in a huff.


Sean followed them into the mansion and walked around the room they were in, looking around at the dusty worn out paintings that were half fallen off the walls and the damaged old furniture that had been left behind.


Sean pulled a sheet off of something, releasing a giant puff of dust which caused him to break into a fit of coughing. The sheet had been covering an old, very broken piano. He stumbled away from the flying dust partials still coughing.


Sean, finally finishing hit coughing fit looked at Audrey and shrugged. "Look around I guess." He answered before walking into a different room, it looked like a dining hall, the table was still they, long but very dusty and rough looking with one of its legs broken making it tip over at an awkward angle. He walked around it carefully as it looking like the table could collapse at any disturbance.


Sean eventually found his way to the kitchen, which was covered in mold and dirt of all kinds. He pulled his shirt up over his nose to block out the horrible smells that filled the room before carefully looking around. He went and opened up a door where he found stairs leading to the basement. "I found the basement!" He shouted out to his friends, debating on whether or not he wanted to go down alone.