forum Over the Cracked Stone Wall
Started by @German_Boats

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"Oh, your awake." Haven sighed. "This new girl showed up and is claiming she can take us home… because the wall is gone. And she won't stop arguing with Anita. And… I could really use some advil."


Anita softened her tone addressing Aubrey's question. "We fell off a wall, and now the wall isn't here anymore. Scarlet here, thinks that we can get back home by following that path over there." She pointed at it.


Scarlet heard what Aubrey said. She looked at one of the glowing trees. she picked a leaf off the tree. She walked over to Avar with the leaf. She placed the leaf on the bump on Avar's forhead.

@Darkblossom group

Avar rubbed at her head, wincing as she felt the bump rise. She sat up and straightened her short blue dress, glad she had decided to wear leggings.
“Ugh. How long was I out?”


"This place doesn't make any sense!" Anita gave up. She didn't want to trust Scarlet, this girl that she had just met, but she had to. Scarlet was their only hope. Taking a deep breath, Anita turned to where Scarlet was kneeling beside Avar. Trust her for Avar. Trust her so that your friends get home safely. If Anita were alone, she wouldn't have done this. She would have kept arguing for hours and hours. However, other people were at stake, and that was something she would never gamble on. "I'm sorry, Scarlet. Please, lead the way." There wasn't an ounce of hatred or disrespect in her voice. Anita just wanted her friends to be safe. "Take us home."


"Ok, follow me. Oh, and if you see a figure who looks like a man and is wearing a long black coak tell me right away." Scarlet said as she started to walk down the stone path.


"No, I mean why is he not a good person?" Anita looked around cautiously, not that it did much good. She couldn't see through the thick foilage anyways. Lowering her voice, she leaned in and said "What did he do?"