forum Kingdom of snow and ash
Started by @lemonboy

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He managed to light the fire, glancing out of his window before picking the icicle up off of the table to put it outside


He let out a sigh as he opened his cupboard, not having what he needed. He flicked his hood up and walked out of his house, walking to the market


no one's going to notice, just keep your head down she walked up to a vendor selling fruits and pointed at one "how much?" She asked "4 gold" he responded. She shook her head and walked off


She clutched her stomach and made the decision. She walked back over to the vendor. When he was't looking, she trapped a few apples and ran. From behind her she could hear telling "HEY THEIF THEIF!!!" Her good flew off as she ran, exposing her fae ears. She rounded a corner and made her way down an ally way


(its all good, glad to see you're back!)

"She's a fae child…" she heard them whisper
She flashed her teeth and growled "yeah, I am. Bite me." she taunted


The guards raised their swords "You're kind should've died with the rest of the Fae."
She grinned wildly "Well some of us are more resilient. Now you can either let me go or die trying to spill my blood."