forum Elemental Siren RP {CLOSED, STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Skylark

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"thank you!" he sad his oice full of relief after getting some help


Swimming out of the cave, Krystal pulled the darkness around her, hiding from sight. There were four sharks, all worked into a frenzy from the blood in the water. She swam under one of them and, using her harpoon, made a deep slice along its underside.

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Nyxs arm was cut by one of the sharks he just barley dodged his arm being chopped off

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Leon quickly intersected and tried to distract the sharks from the other.

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Nyx pulled the shadows around him and added density, he peirced a sharks heart with it

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"fine, can you guys take care of the sharks i need to treat the others and my wounds" he asked

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"thanks" he swam over to where the wounded siren was hiding and said "dont worry im going to treat your wounds" he pulled out sme bandages from a bag on his back

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Leon intersected, again, and distracted the sharks

(I'm too lazy to describe what he does to distract them)

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we drove the sharks off now i need to bandage your friends wounds" Nyx explained