forum Elemental Siren RP {CLOSED, STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Skylark

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(Also, I know neither of these are my characters, but maybe Chris and Leon could be friends to start us off…?)


Name: Adosa
Age: 21
Species: Siren
Gender: Female
Style: ^
Personality: Develop~
Element (up to 2): water, earth
Background: She used to be human. One day, Adosa was at the beach with some friends. She went out a little too far and started to drown. While unconscious, the Queen decided to allow Adosa to become a siren for a better life. She doesn’t remember anything from her past except for this: when she was human, she was involved in a fire. Adosa wasn’t too hurt except for breathing in a ton of smoke. Her vocal chords and throat were badly damaged. They healed enough to eat normally, but she can’t talk. To communicate, she uses ASL or writes in a waterproof notebook she found on the shore.
Other: She makes frequent trips to the surface and beach. She’s lately fallen for a human she sometimes sees.

@Realm Master

(I'm interested in this human that she's fallen for. Is he one of the characters here, or an NPC? You don't have to tell me if it's a secret.)


It’s one of the characters here, actually, I wanted her to have fallen for your character XD She doesn’t know his name so I didn’t put one :P//

@Realm Master

(Wow, that's awesome. It's like the Little Mermaid. I'll just make sure that my character has some recollection of seeing unnatural splashes in the water when he walks the beach.)

@Realm Master

(Hey, sorry I won't be able to be here for the beginning if you guys start now. I have work right now and then I've made plans to hang out with some friends. I won't be available till the afternoon/evening.)


Let’s start with some drama >:)//

Adosa huffed as she quickly swam. This just wasn’t her day. First she couldn’t go up because of a storm, then she was found by the others, and now they were chasing after her. Adosa quickly turned a sharp corner and ducked underneath the arch. Only two of the group of seven were stopped by that, but at least it was a start.

Adosa swam through a tunnel, hoping to lose the other five. Unfortunately, she swam into the wrong tunnel, cornering herself.

A few hours passed since Adosa had been beaten unconscious and left in the tunnel. No one had found her since it wasn’t the most visited place in the world.

The blood from her wounds had attracted sharks who were now circling the tunnel, ramming into it from time to time. The opening into it was to small for any of them to get through, but they were sure to break through sooner or later.