forum Elemental Siren RP {CLOSED, STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Skylark

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Age: (18-22)20
Species: (siren, human, or shifter) shifter
Appearance:black hair, black eyes with hints of purple, a black and puple lionfish tail
Personality:very observent, usally quiet but if you do something he doesnt think is right he will speak his mind, quite logical
Element (up to 2): Darkness and grows stronger in the dark or night
Background: (optional)
Other: has a Italian accent


“I’ll try.” He responded

"Here, take my harpoon," Krystal said softly, taking the sharp weapon from her back and handing it to the stranger. She then went back to the injured siren and carefully wrapped an arm around her waist, trying to avoid the worst of the bruises.

Deleted user

Nyx heard a comotion coming from inside a cave he swam inside
"what is going?" he called into the cave

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Nyx reached into a shadow and pulled out a chain whip. Nyx wounded one of the sharks


Name: Caden Mestic
Age: 20
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Appearance: Sorta long (dude, I cannot do length ;u;) brown hair with one green highlight, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, 6'2.
Style: Plants.

I'm sorry.
Personality: Develop. b u t he is cHILDISH.

I think.
Element (up to 2): Air, earth
Other: He owns his owN pLanT sHoP.