forum Elemental Siren RP {CLOSED, STALKERS WELCOME}
Started by @Skylark

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Leon followed her, "What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the left.


Adosa glared at Leon. She just wanted to leave, why did she even need to be here in the first place? If it weren’t for him, she could’ve been long gone by now.

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"I know you want to leave, I do too, but you need to get your wounds treated, you can leave after that if you want." He said, usually he was terrible in these types of situations but he was trying.


Adosa frowned. It wasn’t that bad, why was everyone making such a big deal about it? She tapped her wrist, trying to communicate.

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Yep, now tell me, why do you not want to get your wounds treated? He asked in ASL, he had known ASL because of his mother and this was one of the few times it was actually useful.


“You can speak, it’s easier. Also, I just don’t wanna, it’ll take up a lot of time and I just wanna go,” Adosa signed, frowning.

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"Okay then and the wounds might get infected or something if you don't get them treated." He said.

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Leon jumped and looked at him, "When did you come here?"

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"ive been here the whole time. i just sat on the floor and was reading"

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"ive been here the whole time. i just sat on the floor and was reading"

"Okay then."


Adosa huffed, “If it’ll stop you all from pestering me, fine!” Adosa crossed her arms and swam toward Hecate crossly, sticking her tongue out at Leon.

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Leon sighed in relief and followed her while chuckling, "Thanks."