forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

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Farryn sat in the corner, immensely grateful that S was gone. Attempting to strangle the cyborg was unlikely to help her earn the trust of everyone else.

Deleted user

Jay was confused, his only plan was to intimidate someone into finding him answers. He turned to Farryn, walking closer.


Farryn was unsure what Jay was doing. Was he trying to… intimidate her? Stifling a laugh, she sat still, waiting to see what he would do.

Deleted user

The black in his eyes faded causing the ocean blue to return. "What's your name?" He asked kindly… He had a different plan.

Deleted user

"Farryn? Nice." He smiled. "You an elf?" He asked.

Deleted user

"You're -uhh- You're blue…" He said with some level of confusion.


Despite her better instincts, Farryn was genuinely amused by this rather obvious observation. "Really? I didn't know that!"

Deleted user

"I'm sorry if that offends you it's just… new to me," He said staring at her skin in awe.


"No, no offence taken. Can you guess which type of elf I am?"
Even as she said these words, Farryn was berating herself. Why was she going along with this stranger's antics?

Deleted user

"Some type of water or winter elf?" He suggested.


"I'll give you a clue."
Farryn flicked her palm, an unnecessary but impressive flourish, and froze the air in front of Jay's nose.


Farryn was about to laugh and continue the conversation, but she aprubtly realised that she was letting herself get distracted. Shutting down, she answered, "Yes," and stood up.
\ these two have had one conversation and I have already started shipping them. I am a sad, sad soul \

Deleted user

"Wait where are you going?" He asked as he watched her stand up, becoming distant.


With a great effort, Farryn restored her regal, disinterested facade. "To restore some semblance of order to this meeting, so we can get on with what we came here to do."

Deleted user

Jay regained his confused expression, why did he shut him down so fast? "Okay…" he responded.


Farryn clenched her fists and took a few deep breaths. Honestly… she chided herself. You should know better.
"Goodbye, Jay."
With that, Farryn walked back over to the table and took a seat. "Everyone is going to stop talking, sit back down and concentrate on the matter at hand. Now!"

Deleted user

Jay sat down and watched, "Bye?" He said back. He really didn't understand her.

Deleted user

Jay raised his hand like a child in class, waiting for Farryn to call on him.