forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

(gtg… won't be on tomorrow either. Continue on.)


Name: River Ashen (Riv, Ash)
Age: 20
Gender: female
Sexuality: bi
Race: half witch (mom) Half Storm Dragon
Supernatural Ability(s)?: illusions, spells(magic wand type of thing), Atmokinesis
Personality: develop
Appearance: medium length black hair loosely curled, forest green eyes that darken and lighten based on emotions
Other: her wand looks like this: the crystal at the end is a foggy mix of grey


\ coolsies. i'm on today (it's 8am monday where i am), but not really tomorrow and then on wednesday until next thursday, I'm on holidays \


\ XD - it can be annoying sometimes, but only in the school term when most people are asleep by the time i've finished school. its lucky I'm on holidays right now \

Deleted user

(I wish it was a holiday with me…
Wait no I don't nvm)