forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

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Jay sighed, "Then we should organize an attack strategy."

"Finally someone is talking some sense." Farryn breathed a sigh of relief that this meeting seemed to finally be heading into productive territory.
"In my opinion, we need to gain a foothold in the empire. If we take over a city with good defence and resources, we can go from there. Any other ideas?"

Deleted user

"I think that's perfect. But how will we find out more about what happened to Jay?"


Farryn was unsure how she had ended up running this meeting, but she decided to go with it. "Yes?" Farryn enquired, before adding rather scathingly, "and for future reference, we are NOT 10 years old and we are NOT in a school, and I am NOT a teacher, so please don't act like it."


The person sighed then spoke up, "Fine, MA'AM," They fired then took a deep breath and spoke. "What about having someone who works closely with the government influence the head in order to put them where we want them? I mean, I'm all for an attack strategy, but we're in no place to attack at this moment. The government is too strong and we are too few. If we get them where we want them, we can strike from the inside, out."


Though the speaker was insolent, their ideas were sound. “I like the sound of that,” Farryn conceded.
“What’s your name?”

Deleted user

Koko shifted in her seat. "You mean… one of us work with the government?"


"Evan Saxe, ma'am," The person politely bowed their head, then stood straight and strong, trying to make their 5'6" look taller than it really was.


Farryn flinched at the sound of being called ma’am.
It brang back memories.
“Please don’t call me that.”