forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Name: Esta
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Race: Half Fairy, Half Elemental (Her mother was a fairy and her father was a water elemental)
Supernatural Ability(s)?: Flight and Control over water.
Personality: CINNAMON BUN!! Is a big extrovert. Loves an adventure. Listens to people's problems, really sweet, kind and bubbly.
Appearance: (I can't feel bothered to describe her looks. She looks like the photo but younger and without the white lines.)
Background: She lives in the Fairy Forest (Home of the faries). She lives with her mother and with her father on the weekends. They are not divorced but they can't live together because of their sizes. Fairies are small and can only be human sized for a few hours.
Other: She is really innocent and navie.

@Rvan group

Rvan looked from the door to the dead guy in the chair to the robot girl and debated how long it would take him to get out of this meeting and get a hot meal. He sighed, "Happens all the time right? Can we just move one, I didn't like Jay much anyways."


Farryn paused in the doorway, taking in the scene. There seemed to be a dead male. "Is he dead?" She asked, her voice lilting but sharp at the same time.


S’s gaze flicked to the Farryn as she entered the room. “5 minutes, 7 seconds, 4.29 milliseconds late,” she said as a way of greeting.

Deleted user

"I didn't really know him. As a fairy, we don't leave our forest much," Esta said from her seat. She had grown to human size for the meeting so she was able to actually sit in her chair.


Farryn gave S a glare. "We have more important things to focus on than exactly how much I was delayed by those guards."
She walked over to Esta. "You are related to him?"

Deleted user

Koko bowed her head in silence for regard of the dead in their presence.


“Food and relations are not relevant. The more time we waste, the further we become from our goals.” -S


Farryn took a deep breath to calm herself. "It is important to find out if Jay is dead of natural causes, or something more sinister, which could pose a threat to all of us. I am trying to find out whether Esta has any knowledge of Jay, to help with this."

Deleted user

Nodding, Koko spoke up, "We have to be prepared for any situation."

Deleted user

Farryn gave S a glare. "We have more important things to focus on than exactly how much I was delayed by those guards."
She walked over to Esta. "You are related to him?"

"No. I'm not."

Deleted user

Trying for a smile, she couldn't completely manage one. "You are welcome," she said.