forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Name: Koko Spiller
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: African American
Supernatural Ability(s)?: Cat Sith
Personality: Not very analytical. Often buries her sadness. Extrovert, very welcoming. Passionate and loves to tease. Lazy, though at the end of the day will get a job done. Is comfortable with anyone and everyone.
Appearance: Thick black hair tied into a braid. Dark brown eyes and skin. Always wears pearl earrings. 5'3. Short leather dress along with baggy white pants and slippers.
Background: Develop
Other: Loves to cook.


Aww. Thanks you guys! Oh and that picture of Farryn looks really cool, book addict. Also, I am ready to start when u guys r.


Now let’s start. Setting: all of the characters are sitting at around table and are about to discuss their next plan of action to take down the cray cray government.


S got up from her chair and walked over to the opposite of the table, where Jay was sitting . His head was on the table he looked like he had gone to sleep. Carefully and calmly, S placed a hand on his neck, searching for a pulse. After a short pause, S stated, “Dead.” She glanced at all of the other rebels sitting at the table, but still looked serenely calm.


\ ok… I guess we're starting then. \
Farryn strode through the tunnels underneath the sleeping town. She was late for the meeting. As she hurried along, she checked to make sure she had all her weapons with her. Despite the fact that her contacts had assured her these people were trustworthy, it was always smart to be prepared.
She took a hard right and broke into a run, her long, white hair flowing behind her. If only that stupid guard hadn't stopped her, she might have been on time.
She finally arrived at the door, and taking a deep breath, opened it and stepped into the hidden room.