forum Boredom is eating away at my soul... HALP MEH PLEASE
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Name: Joshua James Masen (Goes by Jay or Josh)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Half-demon (Father) Half-werewolf (Mother)
Supernatural Ability(s): Ability to turn into a wolf allowing, speed, super hearing, great sense of smell, and immense strength. Can also turn into a demon allowing for the ability to throw fireballs/energy balls, and to teleport(Shimmer)
Personality: Quiet and guarded. Scared and distant, doesn't like making friends so he's mean to people.

Background: Parents were killed by unlawful government, and he killed his little brother on a full moon night (Doesn't talk about it).
Demon form:

Wolf form:(The black one…)



Name: Farryn Ventris
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Frost Elf
Supernatural Ability(s)?: Can make it snow, ice etc.
Personality: Condescending, doesn't trust a lot, can be bossy. As the RP develops she will learn to trust the others etc.
Appearance: Wavy, long white hair. Pale blue tinged skin. Thin. Darker blue lips. Regal looking.
Clothing: Plain armour
Background: She ran away from the elves 4 years ago. I'll develop this more…
Other: She's good at combat, but unlike most elves is really bad at tracking and communing with nature etc.

Deleted user

I just put them into one of my character galleries and then drag them into the post bar… He said realizing he makes no sense


Name: Ellen Weaver
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human
Supernatural Ability(s)?: None
Personality: Probably a really cranky ISFJ, a bit sassy, a bit grouchy, serious, nice person though, will be snarky if provoked, straightforward, doesn't trust easily, actually a caring person
Appearance: Dense curly dark brown hair in a ponytail, fair skin, amber eyes. 6'1, a bit skinny with an athletic build.
Clothing: Dark grey tunic with black pants and boots. Belt with pouches and a sheath for her dagger.
Background: Grew up in a warring country as a part of a gang of marauders and vandals. The gang got in too deep with one side of the conflict, and most of them ended up being killed. Ellen escaped and left to find a better life in a different country.
Other: Is a good thief and vandal, though she currently works for an apothecary. So she has varied knowledge.

(Is she alright?)

(I just realized we should have a thing for a weapon.)

@Rvan group

Name: Rift Soltan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Avian humanoid creature (sorry, I’m not good with species/race names) Basically a humans with black wings on his back. His mother and father were avian, his father was half fire elemental, but his mother's wings were clipped because they lived in a sexist society before they moved to the city.
Supernatural Ability(s)?: Flight (obviously), can wield fire
Personality: His mood changes a lot. Rude, sometimes. He says what's on his mind and doesn’t give a crap, and he doesn't really care how people react. Rather than a social butterfly, he's what you call a sarcastic moth.
Appearance: Black hair, tall, healthy body type (enough so he's athletic, but not like photo-shopped abs or anything), bright green eyes, black feathered wings.
Clothing: Normally he'd would wear a suit (with holes in the fabric to accommodate the wings), but with the tyrannical govt. he has been wearing hoodies a lot more often with ripped jeans.
Background: Was never really close with his parents, mostly because his mother was too insecure to stand up to his father (who fully supported his mother's wings being clipped). He got into thievery and started getting into traditional bar fights more often around the age of 15. On the outside, he's a normal, everyday person/avion creature. When it's past one in the morning, he can be a 'little' rough around the edges.
Other: When he gets tense his hand start to shake, but he's really embarrassed about that.


Name: S23Z.05, but goes by S
Age: she has been a cyborg for a year, but her human half is sixteen years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Strait
Race: Cyborg
Supernatural Ability: Has a photographic memory, is a Wi-Fi hotspot, can fly, can literally plug herself into to a computer and surf the entire web in a few milliseconds, can download music and play the music out loud with the speakers built into her body, thinks incredibly fast
Personality: Hardly shows her emotions, is serious nearly all of the time, struggle to understand sarcasm and puns, often gets tongue-tied because she can think much faster than she can talk
Appearance: One side of her face consists entirely metal, the other half of face looks completely human (with the exception of her two blue, glowing eyes). She has pink hair that is a couple inches longer than shoulder left, the robotic side of her head doesn’t have hair, her forearms are made of metal and both of her legs are made of metal. She has metal wings on the back that are fashioned to look like hawk wings. Her name, S23Z.05, is tattooed to the back of her neck
Background: S was taken from her home by soldiers of the cray cray government. Scientists carefully removed many part of her body and deleted S’s memories of human life. She was created by the cray cray government and expected to be the ultimate weapon. However, S remembered the pain the cray cray government had given her so she disobeyed her orders to kill several civilians and joined the rebels. S hopes that she can one day find her biological family and learn about her life before she was a cyborg.
Clothes: S wears a white tank top that has S spray painted in black on it. She also wears ripped jean shorts.
Other: Sorry S is a cyborg. I was half way through the template when we decided to go back to fantasy. I hope you guys don’t mind that we have a cyborg in a fantasy story.

Deleted user

Might use that Wi-Fi hotspot more than once! Sweet!