forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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"Uh, blue, please," Mari says, not really sure whether to take one or it Asteria will give her one so her hand ends up hovering awkwardly in the air.

“Here.” Asteria said, taking the blue one and giving it to her. She turned over and yelled to her friend, “I like this one! She has manners!”


"Rock candy… how strange…" Jay examined the candy again. You're arousing suspicion! They'll ask questions! Who hasn't ever had candy before?

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Uh, blue, please," Mari says, not really sure whether to take one or it Asteria will give her one so her hand ends up hovering awkwardly in the air.

“Here.” Asteria said, taking the blue one and giving it to her. She turned over and yelled to her friend, “I like this one! She has manners!”

"I said thanks!" Melanthea yells in protest.


Jay shook his head. "Or… candy, for that matter. It has a unique feeling, or flavor to it… I can't quite put my finger on it…"


"Never." They're gonna ask questions, you're screwed. Well, I can't just lie can I? I wouldn't be any better than them!


Jay nodded. "It's good, I just… don't know why…" Hopefully we can leave it at that? Heaven knows I'll give myself away if they ask any deeper questions.


Jay nodded. "It's good, I just… don't know why…" Hopefully we can leave it at that? Heaven knows I'll give myself away if they ask any deeper questions.

“You want one more so you can eat it later?”