forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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Mari smiles and sits back on the sofa, not really seeing how to help anymore. "My names Marigold but people tend to just call me Mari."


"Um, I'm Jay. Jay Curtis. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He bowed his head politely before mentally cursing himself. Stupid! You've done it again! Why are you so obnoxiously formal when you're nervous? I don't know, leave me alone!


Jay nodded, feeling pretty awkward and nervous. Did I just give myself away? I'm not allowed to tell anyone, no matter how bad it gets or they start drinking even more… I just have to put up and shut up, even if it hurts… Don't trouble others with your own silly problems…



(I find it amusing that you said you wanted to hug him but if you actually tried to hug him he'd panic bc never touch/restrict this child)


(And then you just want to protect him more thus more hugs thus more panic and it's a vicious cycle)


Jay's face flushed a bit with embarrassment. Is she mocking me? Or is it… legitimate? You're terrible at reading people. Well, yeah! I've pretty much only seen anger or distaste, so I don't really know much about other expressions. I've never seen either of them smile.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Bored of reading and eating chocolate, Melanthea sets them both down, stands up, and starts doing a couple of the steps her mother had taught her before she left. Her mother was a muggle dancer, and ballet always seemed to calm Melanthea down and put even a smidge of joy in her. Getting lost in the moves, she closes her eyes and dances right up to Jay before she stops.


Jay stepped back so that Melanthea wouldn't bump into him, looking up at the new arrival anxiously. This place is packed… it's stressing me out, like I'll get knocked over at any moment.


(He's never had candy Scarlet lol. Also, fun fact that's not really that fun: Jay doesn't curse/swear and hates to lie because he doesn't want to be anything like his parents. He'll also likely never try Butterbeer without serious convincing because it has a bit of alcohol and 'beer' in the name)


"Bored? I-I didn't know such a thing was possible in a place like this…" Jay looked around at the magically green flames that seemed never to be extinguished. I feel like that would probably be a fire hazard…


(I feel like one of your characters would find out he's being abused at some point and get like, super ticked)