forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

"Bored? I-I didn't know such a thing was possible in a place like this…" Jay looked around at the magically green flames that seemed never to be extinguished. I feel like that would probably be a fire hazard…

"In a place like this?" Melanthea asks, cocking her head, "Are you kidding? I'm bored all the time! Mostly because unlike the muggle world, this place doesn't have Wi-fi." She grins jokingly, something she rarely did, but she could tell this kid was uncomfortable. "I'm Melanthea." She says, sticking out her hand.


Wi-fi? I guess that's another thing my house never had. Jay looked at her hand for a moment, shying away nervously before he realized he was supposed to shake it. He did so, though it was pretty weak on his part. Physical contact always made him anxious.


"Yeah… y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment." Of course, except you're always jumpy and anxious like this. Shut up!


Jay nodded. "I'm muggleborn, and never knew magic existed before now… it's a bit… surreal I suppose."


“Hey hey random children, I swear I’m a good person. Do any of you want rock candy?” Asteria asked, “My friend-“ she gestured to a girl across the room shaking her head and sighing, “-bet I wouldn’t dare ask you guys if you all wanted any candy. Wow my grammar is terrible.”


"Candy?" Yet another probably common thing I've never had… Jay seemed clueless as to what Asteria was holding. It looks like a crystal… but I assume it's edible or something?


"I'll take a purple one." Melanthea says, grabbing one, "Now you can tell your friend that you did it."

“Geez manners, Kiddo.” Asteria sighed.


(Well he didn't know the thing itself was edible so ya never know)
Jay accepted one of the sticks, staring at it curiously. Stupid, you probably look like a complete idiot! They all seem to know what this is, and then there's you. Staring at it as though it were some sort of alien object.


"Uh, blue, please," Mari says, not really sure whether to take one or it Asteria will give her one so her hand ends up hovering awkwardly in the air.


Jay jumped a bit at Melanthea's voice, hesitating before trying the candy. "It's… it's good! I've never had anything that tastes quite like this before… what did you say it was?"