forum Hi people. Wanna do a Marauders Era Rp? (CLOSED)
Started by @CWTurtleOfFreedom

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(Um Jay's never had candy and now he's probs gonna be forced to reveal the fact that he's abused to Chameleon's character)


"I… I-I…" Jay seemed rather at a loss for words. "I can't really think of much way to tell you without… well, showing you…" And with that Jay pulled off his robes so the short sleeved undershirt was visible, and also all the bruises and half healed lacerations. On his shoulder was a particularly bad wound that seemed to have been caused by glass.


Jay's eyes stung with tears and he wasn't able to make eye contact with Melanthea. He hesitated a few moments before nodding, crossing his arms to try and feel less exposed.


"I-I can't…" Jay drew in a wavering breath, trying to brush the stubborn tears from his face. "They'd find out… I… I know they would… t-they'd kill me, or try to.." He bit his lip, choking back more tears. Fear churned in his stomach, and he shuddered to think what his parents might do to him if he turned them in.


Jay turned his eyes towards Melanthea, tears streaming down his cheeks despite his efforts. "I think it's a bit too late for that." He whispered. "I-I've been broken more times than I can count, bent beyond repair… crushed into a million tiny pieces, pieces that I keep trying and trying to put back together but I just can't! I've tried for eleven years and I've given up. All my efforts are futile and they don't stop, t-they never will!" Jay sobbed, hiding his face in his hands.


(What if your character walked into the hallway they're in like "Hey guys what's go- O HECKIN FLIP WOT HAPPENED")

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Gently, Melanthea pulled his hands away from his face and stared dead into his eyes. "No, you're strong." She says firmly, "I know people here who've gone through a lot less and have already given up on themselves. People who hurt themselves and are too weak to stop."