forum Grimm (o/o)
Started by @Hybrid-Is-tired

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"I like it too." he gently told her as they pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building "It's pretty. Yeah for me it's just Theo. Alex the youngest brother started to call me Big t but I made sure that stopped." Theo said with a little smile

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg blushed faintly when he complimented her name. Though hearing his attempted nickname, she laughed a little. ”Yeah. I can see why.” she smiled as she got out of the car. ”Those kinds of names are weird.”


Theo got out as well and took his house keys out of his back pocket as he unlocked his room door after walking up two flights of stairs "Yeah brothers are weird sometimes but I love them to death I wouldn't be able to stand it if I heard any of them were in trouble…but I know that they have to learn themselves what to do in life…even Alex…the little trouble maker that he is."


"Just things like lying, petty theft of like earbuds and crap like that. He doesn't take much stuff seriously and I've been trying to help." Theo told her as he opened up his door and motioned for her to go inside

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg nodded a little at him as she walked in. ”Sounds like you're a good brother, Theo. He's lucky to have you looking out for him.” she smiled. ”And I may be playing Devil's Advocate here, but at least he's not getting into anything really serious.”


"Yeah…I'm not letting them get into anything dad was into." Theo said more to himself than Meg as he shut the door behind him and started to his closet to get the game out.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg gave him a sympathetic smile at his comment. She had a hunch about what his dad may have done, considering how he reacted to what happened… Was that really only yesterday? She sighed softly and walked over to the couch.


He came back with the updated game box and he left the instructions with her "You want anything to drink?" he asked as he went into his small kitchen


"No problem Meg." he said happily as he plucked the purple token and placed it where it should go. He shuffled each of the card types "Should we just play one token each or split them up between two like Charlie and I do when no one else wanted to play?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

She perked up in interest at the idea. ”I’m up for splitting the characters. Any special rules for that?” she asked a little eagerly. She figured the turns would still be similar just with them playing a different characters as they alternated.


Whichever character solves the murder will win the game for the player controlling them." Theo said as his eyes flicked to Mr. Green and Colonel Mustard


Theo put the top cards into the top secret envelope and smiled happily "You first. We always acted out the personalities but you don't have to let's just have fun."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg smiled back and looked at her first characters’ clue cards. ”I don't know. I might do the acting when I make an accusation but I'm not sure how well I can do Mrs. Peacock.” she admitted before rolling the dice to move.


Theo just smiled and looked to Meg as he waited for her to make the first move (we don't have to actually play the full game just an overview if you want)