forum Grimm (o/o)
Started by @Hybrid-Is-tired

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg was a little disappointed when she didn't see anything unusual on the news but she left it on. Not that it was a bad thing that nothing jumped out at her, she was keeping her word and paying attention for any bodies showing up missing an organ or two. Finishing her meal, she opened her sketchbook again and worked more on the drawing of Theo. She had decided to do half his picture as normal and the other half as Wesen.


Theo just hoped that this ended up being a sick joke because he didn't want Meg to end up in danger because of him but he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't lose it if he saw those people outside his shop. Just take this one day at a time though. He took his keys off his key hook and walked out his door to get an early start. He always closed the shop on Saturday so he always was a little happier on Fridays such as today

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Satisfied with the progress she made for the morning, Meg quickly got dressed and gathered her usual things for the day. She decided to skip the coffee run this morning. Maybe she’d buy Theo lunch as well as take him home tonight. After what happened yesterday she was going to do everything she could to protect him while she was around him. As she neared the garage door she glanced back at where the weapons were stashed and thought about giving him one to carry… but pushed the idea away and headed to work.


Theo would be seen working away on his laptop until his phone rang. It was his brother Arthur! He quickly answered the phone and he started to chat it up with his younger brother who was studying to be a surgeon

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meg parked her car and walked inside the bookstore, waving at Theo when she saw he was on the phone. She was glad to see most of the bruise had gone down. As for her scratch, it would probably take at least a week before she could take the bandage off.


"Alright Arthur I gotta go. Tell mom I said hi…I know…bye bye." he put the phone down and waved right back "Hey Meghan." he called out happily "Ready for another day?" he asked as he arranged the books on hold behind the counter

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”I’m ready for almost anything.” Meg smiled back as she joined him behind the counter. ”Sorry for interrupting your call. Was that one of your brothers?” she asked, setting her bag down and out of sight from customers.


"Arthur. The one studying to be a surgeon." Theo said happily. He showed a picture of a slender ginger in an ugly Christmas sweater. "He's the sweetest of them. The next oldest too other than me."


"Oh Jesus I can't compare that. I'm book smart but he's always gonna outrank me in medical terminology and such." he looked to the sweater as well "Yeah this photo is a little outdated. Alright though lets get started."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

She laughed a little. ”Don’t blame you on that. From what I've heard medical terminology is pretty much it’s own language.” she said, nodding at his instruction. ”Where do you want me to start?”


"Check the catalogs online first to see if we need to order anything…today's gonna be a slow day anyway." he told Meg as he looked to the wall clock


"Yeah so a lot of people are gonna be out and about for more fun things than stopping by here." he shrugged as he would occasionally pull out a reserved book for one of the few people who would come in.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Well, their loss.” she shrugged. ”I don't know what it is but there's something special about libraries and bookstores.” she told him, looking over the online orders. It didn't seem like there were too many.


The day was as expected was painfully slow. In that time Theo wrote something down in his checkbook and when he looked to the clock as saw that it was 2pm and almost no one had stopped by he went over to Meg and handed over a check "We'll be packed on Monday." He assured her

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Out of reflex, she snapped her book closed and blushed a little at having her work seen. ”Uh… Thanks.” she said, not looking up. ”Sorry. I’m not used to having people see this book, cause of what I put in it.” she explained. ”Honestly, I think my skills might be a Grimm thing. You should see some of the drawings in the books my dad gave me.”


"It's alright I guess I'm a bit nosy sometimes." He shrugged and looked back to her over his shoulder "I can write really well but that kind of art…I was never good at it…writing and piano sure but not drawing."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

She smiled a little and opened her book again. Fortunately, it didn't look like anything had been smudged by the quick action. ”I keep a journal that I write in but I've never been good at music. What kind of writing do you do?” she asked.


"Mystery…like old school. Murder on the Orient Express kind of vibes y'know?" he told her with a little smile. "Old mystery before DNA was discovered was so interesting."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

She laughed a little. ”I haven't really read that book but I know what you mean. When I was a kid, I really liked Sherlock Holmes.” she smiled back at him. ”And I’ve heard Agatha Christie is really good too. Just haven't had a chance to pick up one of her books yet.”


"Guess that's why I always adored the board game Clue" he pointed out "I'd kick my siblings butts in that even if it ended up I was the killer."