Started by @BookAddict

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“Who’s this?” Valerie murmured to Sage, still gripping Cato’s hand tightly.

"Stella and Camilla, this is Valerie, this is Cato." Valerie and Cato, this is Stella, this is Camilla."


Stella walked over and sat, "So this is a bad trial from the start right?"

"What do you mean bad trial from the start?" Sage queried, his voice shaking a little as the enormity of what he had promised Ari sank in.


"I mean everything is against Arianna right?" Stella looked at him, "It's her word versus his. And he has more power."


Sage sighed. "Yeah, but Reyna has those dogs. Aurum and Augentum, I think their names are. Plus, Cato is going to confess. Arianna will be ok." Sage was saying this more to reassure himself than to reassure Valerie and Stella.


(I’m asking my friend who is good at law and how I regret asking to play Reyna.)

Reyna banged her gavel and announced, “Silence in the court!” I like this gavel…

(And um help. ;-; I’m sorry.)


“Today, //insert random date and time, we gather to try Arianna //last name// on the accusations of attempted murder from Alexander //last name//. Seeing as there were no witnesses, we will immediately proceed with the prosecutor’s argument, then the defendants. We will take comments from the jury last. //Alexander’s lawyer//, you may begin.


Michael, the other centurion of the first cohort, stood up, “Praetor Reyna, my client, Alexander Ouche (prounouced like douche but without then d), "My client was alone with Arianna Aire at the time of the assault. They have both said the blade seemed to move on its own, impaling my client. Blades cannot move on their own, this is a given fact. As of such, we'd like to argue that Aire used her witchcraft, stemming from Urania, to bend and force the blade to attack Alexander. It's important to note she does not have a good relationship with him, and has personal reasons for this assault."


“Praetor Reyna, my client, Arianna Aire, was alone with Alexander Ouche at the time of the assault. They have both said the blade seemed to move on its own, impaling Ouche. When else have we talked about a moving blade? In case //some number//, in 2010, there was a cursed blade. The cursed blade, when unsheathed, would be able to stab their target.” Larry, the other centurion for the second cohort, said.