Started by @BookAddict

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“Comments from the jury?” Reyna asked, clearly bored.
“Where is your evidence that Alexander would be the blade’s target?” A woman in the back called before Cato said anything.


“And why would the blade target the centurio-“ the woman continued before being cut off by Cato. He stood up and slowly walked down to the center, squeezing Valerie’s hand before he di.
“I have a statement that will clear this whole thing up… the blade was cursed. I found it a couple years ago and gave it to Alexander.”


Reyna nodded. Two males bursted in, one of them holding the scroll. “We found the scroll!” They proclaimed. Reyna gestured for them to bring it over. She looked at the scroll and sighed.
“Mr. Flavius, please stand aside as the jury and I determine as suitable consequence.” Reyna sighed.


Cato glanced at Valerie before stepping outside, the black haired girl standing up. “I’m afraid I can’t be impartial, praetor,” she said politely before leaving.


//yea sure

“It’s only fitting,” the woman in the back shrugged.
“It’s too harsh. Cato has been with us for seven years, he’s a veteran and has offered us too much to just exile him!” Someone else shouted.


/ sorry I was gone my grandparents came over and I had to ^shudders^ socialise. I’m currently hiding in the bathroom /


Except my grandparents live in China
But Sam on the socializing but

Valerie looked upset but resigned, and she leaned back to stare at the ceiling when she got to her seat.

Cato nodded, accepting the punishment. “And when do I have to be gone, praetor?”