Started by @BookAddict

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Stella felt a bit weird being treated to in a court house. But she wondered what the girl, Reyna, meant by cohorts?


Sage could see how Stella was holding herself back from asking questions. "I'll explain everything later," he muttered. "Come find me once the medics have finished with you guys. I'm going to see Ari." He walked over towards Arianna who was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, surrounded by guards.


“I feel like a serial killer.” Arianna said, still looking at her hair. What a nice purple….
“One more person, and you are.” A guard snickered.
Actually,” Arianna huffed, “I’d have to kill three or more people to considered a serial killer. However, I did not kill or injure anyone, a cursed blade stabbed the centurion of the first cohort. Therefore, even if ‘one more person’, I would still not be a serial killer.”


Sage glared at the mouthy guard as he pushed through the guards to talk to Ari.
"What do you think you're doing?" The guard was in a bad mood now.


Sage ignored the guard. "Hey." He really wasn't sure how to reassure Ari. "Ari, I promise this is going to work out. We're going to clear your name."


"Really." What Sage said next was one of the most rash and stupid things he had done in his relatively short life. "I swear it on the River Styx."


“You.. you’re the best.” Arianna smiled.

Sage leaned in and started to give Ari a hug, but the stupid guard interrupted. "All right, that's enough, I let you talk to her, but no touching. Now flick off, the trial's about to start."


Sage was really, really tempted to flip the bird at the guard, but he reigned himself in and walked away to join Cato and Valerie, who were sitting down, ready for the trial to start. He gestured for Stella and Camilla to come over.